Monday, 22 August 2011

Twinkle twinkle little star...

Sorry to disappear for a week and then subject you to two posts in one day, but you'll see why in a moment. I've just become a proud Auntie to baby Martha, and this evening have been trying to find a little gift for her older sister - given that nothing enrages a toddler faster than an array of presents being given to a new sibling who can't even open them. Having seen Nicole Needles' swap gifts for the Vintage Knitter I was reminded of the wonder of Twinkle magazine and have been bidding on Ebay for a vintage 70s annual to give to my elder niece. [I'm hoping my sister in law might appreciate it too, more than noisy plastic toys].

Today Twinkle, tomorrow American Vogue...

I loved Twinkle when I was little, and am still fond, although I was too young and innocent [yes, there was a time] to appreciate the unfortunate combination of 'tinkle' and 'winkle', which now sounds to me like the one of the twee words middle-class mummies use for their little girls' bits. "Poppy darling, leave your twinkle alone, that's not nice...". In addition to her terrible name, poor Twinkle also had a disproportionally large head; but I didn't care, and made my parents fork out 14p on her adventures every week when I was a dwt*. Does anyone else remember Nurse Nancy (she'd be a consultant surgeon these days), My Baby Brother and Shona MacGregor? Those were the days...

So sweet even I'm not cynical

Benny reminds me so much of Boy2 in this

Anyway, I was happily reminded of the fact that I have an old Twinkle of my own - no sniggering at the back - and on looking at the date discovered that it was dated 30 years ago today. Why have I kept this ancient comic? And just who is that fresh faced cherub on the front? Why yes, it's me, back in my cover girl days! Can you guess which one I am?

As Lady Gaga put it so succinctly - 'Fame, fame, baby, the fame, fame' .

Lakota x

*small person, child

Linking up to Thrift Share Monday


Cookie cutters are great aren't they? Well, some are. Some are just a bit rubbish. I found this random selection in a charity shop a few weeks ago - yes, I know I already bought a load here, but I can't help myself, they call to me - however to be honest they're a bit of a mixed bag.

Hmm, lets see shall we? Heart - yes, yes very pretty, have several already, should have no excuse not to be presenting my loved ones with intricately decorated tokens of adoration on a daily basis, in practise make an appearance once a year for Valentine's day. This Christmas they are all being rounded up, having gingham ribbon tied round them, and being used as shabby chic decorations on the tree. Cox and Cox or RE: would probably charge a fortune for 'vintage upcycled ornaments' like that. Bell and Snowman, so far so seasonal. I have a feeling that once baked the snowman is going to look more like the Yuletide cello - the proof will be in the festive pudding. Egg has great potential for garish decoration with dolly mixtures at Easter despite its boringly functional shape, so also a keeper. The flat-footed rabbit and chick wearing Alexa Chung's brogues can keep it company.

At the top you'll see what I excitedly decided was a vampire bat - look at him dramatically swooping above the heart - but have sadly come to realise is in fact another member of the really crap dinosaur gang on the right. Aren't they hopeless? Boy1 went through an exhaustive and exhausting dinosaur phase a couple of years ago so I already have a set of prehistoric pals - far better and more terrifying than this shower, whom I only really identified because of the brontosaurus, which seemed more likely than manta-ray. Or mis-shapen orang-utan. Turn the 'bat' right way up and he's supposed to be a stegosaurus, although it could pass as a porcupine. The T-Rex looks more like a parrot, and God only knows what the other one is meant to represent. Boy1 suggested a chasmosaurus, and I bow to his superior knowledge. Anyway, if anyone wants the dino trio let me know - bat boy has had species re-assignment and is staying with mama for Halloween.

£1.95 for the above would have been a little disappointing if it hadn't been for the awesomeness below - the jewel in the crown of my cookie cutter collection so far. Ladies and gentlemen - I give you...the CRAB.

Mmm, crab cookies. Nom [as people inexplicably say these days]

Look at his mighty pincers! Now that's a cookie cutter. Perfect for grumpy old neighbours, Cancerian birthdays and meetings of the local STD clinic. And it has come all the way from the US of A, with Ann Clark's Crab Cookies recipe still tied to it. Of course, if I ever get round to dressing either of the kids up like this, they'll be the perfect accompaniment! I've not read my horoscope, but I predict an afternoon of crustacean based baking coming up very soon!

Over and out, crab fans!

Lakota x

Linking up again to Magpie Monday

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Giveaway winner...

Hello and apologies for my absence this week, have been busy with the kids and also trying to sell our house and buy a new one in a completely different area. So far I have been reminded that estate agents lie through their teeth -"You can't hear the road inside" means "The roar of the M25 is deafening from the garden" - and been surprised to discover that some people don't think to remove the 'erotic' nudey pictures of their very much younger Filipina wife before the viewers come round. I thought the one of her in the hallway where she was wearing only a t-shirt was a little risqué, and that was before I spotted the naked photograph of her on all fours which was proudly framed on the dressing table. Strangely I couldn't concentrate on the fitted wardrobes after that.

Anyway, just popping in to announce the winner of the Stall 21 giveaway. Congratulations to...Bex Smith! Can you please email me your details and I will pass them on to Stall 21.

Back to regular posts soon I hope!
Lakota x

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Faith Hope and Charity Swapping linky post

 I think everyone should have now received their swap goodies in the Faith Hope and Charity Shopping Swap, and if I say so myself it appeared to be a resounding success! If you haven't yet done a post on what you received from your partner - please do consider doing so. [I'm nosy]

A few people suggested doing a linky post so we could all share what we received / sent, so if you have posted on it, you can link up here so everyone can have a look.

Amy at Blighty Boutique has received her parcel from me now, so I can show you what I sent her.

ceramic fruit menu/place card holders in a china dish 
(possibly for holding a bottle of wine?)
Amy runs a vintage market, so I thought these could hold price labels/descriptions
Bought from Brighton junk shop

Floral china trinket box - Amy likes florals and pastels
Bought from Watford charity shop

Home made scented candle in vintage tea-cup

A for Amy wooden letter by Emily Readett-Bailey

Vintage Advertising Mirror - Found in basement of Brick Lane vintage shop
Combines Amy's loves of old advertising and dogs!

Handmade bead and vintage scarf bracelet
Bought new from Spitalfields Market

You'll notice I was naughty and sent 6 items instead of 5, but I'd bought the mirror in the hope I'd be able to clean it up more than I was able to to. I couldn't get rid of all the grime, but thought Amy might as well have it anyway. As it turned out, she loved it in spite of its rather pre-loved look - phew!

Look out for news of another swap at Christmas, similar rules, but with added bells!

Please see post below for 300 follower giveaway!

Lakota x

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, 13 August 2011

300 followers - and a giveaway you can all enter!

Hi, just a quick post to remind you that there's just a week left before I pick the winner of my giveaway, and as I've now reached the very pleasing round number of 300 followers by GFC that means you're all eligible to enter - international readers too. And thank you all so much for reading, it really means a lot.

The prize is this gorgeous silver and hematite long necklace, with feather - worth £25 and made by Raimonda at Stall 21. As I can't enter my own giveaways I caved and bought one myself while she had her sale on - it came beautifully wrapped and I really love it. Mr FHCS borrowed it as part of his hippy ensemble for the wedding last week, but it also works with a more modern look.

Pictures don't really do it justice, hematite is known as the 'metal' gemstone, and the little beads have a highly polished look and are really tactile.

Anyway, if you already follow my blog by Google Friend Connect then you're halfway entered, the only other thing you need to do is like/follow Stall 21 on Facebook or Twitter and leave a comment saying you've done so. If you do both, then you get two entries. A third if you sign up for their newsletter. If you've done any of these you also get a bonus entry for tweeting the following: "I'm entered to win a gorgeous @stall21 necklace, via @FHCShopping". If you're not on Twitter, you can get the bonus entry by putting the competition on your sidebar or mentioning it on your blog.

Good luck!

Lakota x

Competition closes August 20th at 10pm. If no response from the winner after 7 days I will re-draw.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Before the riots...the Summer of Love! And a frock on a Friday

Hi all, and thanks for all your comments and concern on my last post. I don't pretend to have any answers, and am just glad things seem to be calming down again. Of course, the social problems the riots have highlighted will be discussed elsewhere for a long time to come. 

So, on to happier things, and to the post that I'd planned to write after last weekend. If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter you might have been aware that I had a 1960s themed wedding to go to, and was at a loss for something to wear. Luckily, one of my favourite finders and purveyors of vintage clothing - the gorgeous Aimee at Je T'aime Vintage - came to my aid and sent me the most fantastic dress she thought would fit the bill (and my boobs). Not only that, but she brought it with her all the way from Australia. If you haven't ever seen her blog or her ebay store, you really should check it out. I would happily give wardrobe space to any of her finds. Best of all, she's making plans to open up a real shop back in the UK - yay! Thanks so much Aimee.

The wedding itself was great fun, Alex and Nikki had thought of everything. We all enjoyed a cream tea with the most enormous scones and buckets of clotted cream, followed later by a hog roast with gallons of apple sauce. Everyone had made an effort, some in fancy dress, some in vintage, and even those whose tastes range more towards the high street had at least made a nod to the decade. The bride looked fresh and gorgeous in the dress her mum had worn for the evening reception at her own wedding, and her dad was resplendent in full hippy garb, complete with waist length wig. The many kids attending were thrilled to discover a bouncy castle, tree house and Magic Roundabout cut outs to pose with, as well as enormous bubble wands and party blowers.

Anyway, here's what I wore - you want to see, right? 

Dress: 60s Jeanne de Campo of Melbourne - Je T'aime Vintage
Tights -  60s Pretty Polly in 'sherbet'
Daisy earrings - 50c Penneys Sale in Ireland
Hideous white shoes - £5 from Barratts sale at last minute!
Scruffy troubadour with guitar - my dear husband

[All above photos taken by the ever stylish Sunita Sharma]

Here's a few more pictures from the day:

Here's the happy couple, both with tea and scones

Aah, now you can see my earrings.
[My friend Rich did also have a leather jacket and baseball mitt - The Great Escape apparently]

Make love not war

Give us peace. And champagne.


The Pink Panther did very rude things with his tail later on. Inevitable really.

Meet the Flintstones

The fifth Beatle

Sgt Pepper

Holly Golightly

Two glasses...and a kiss from boy2

And, in his debut appearance on my blog - my first flower child - Boy1!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Lakota x

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

London's Burning

It's been a gorgeous day here in South East London, blue skies and scudding clouds. We've been at the park. As usual there's been the odd police chopper going over and the sound of distant sirens. Usually I'd only pay attention to the skies if my 3 year old said  'look Mummy - Hewwicopter!' , but today my friend and I were keeping more of an eye on the number going over. Our chat about our respective weekends - University reunion for her, friend's 60s themed wedding for me - was interrupted not only by children demanding snacks and drinks, but by texts and Facebook updates from concerned friends in the area. "Husband coming home early - it's kicking off in Bermondsey", "Youths gathering around the station". "South Norwood is next". I drove home and our local high street (pretty scuzzy at the best of times) was shut up completely at 3.15pm. Grilles down everywhere. I try to keep this blog amusing, but I'm so angry and upset right now.

We were all on Facebook and Twitter last night, trying to reassure a friend who could smell the burning and see the smoke from the out of control blaze in central Croydon - a century old family business set alight for no reason. A business employing 20 local people, by all accounts well known for its customer service. The fire soon spread to other buildings and we watched the news in horror - the area is also residential, there were houses and flats evacuated by terrified residents. I read on a local news website that one elderly widow has lost everything.

photo credit: Becky Manktelow Croydon Guardian

photo credit: Amy Weston

Another friend works in Co-op - she went in this morning at 5.45am to start her shift, and soon reported that thieves had not missed their chance to take cigarettes and booze, knowing there was unlikely to be any response with the police force so stretched. This was pure opportunism - it's been targeted many times before, well before Mark Duggan's death, and before the so called credit crunch and subsequent cuts. I got home from the park, and a neighbour I'd not met before came round to tell me to stay indoors, she'd heard the high street would be next. So much is rumour, but there is genuine fear amongst many. Friends on a road five minutes from mine have just been on Facebook to report a stabbing -  this was at 7.30pm. The sky was still a beautiful blue. 

I - like many of you - have spent hours glued to the news, opinion pieces and social media, trying to get answers. I know it's nothing to do with multiculturalism - the Turkish guys in Dalston defending their street surely prove that. I'm appalled by the outspoken racism appearing on forums once again - reference to 'Blacks' as though we're in the American South in the 1950s. I refuse to believe the casual violence and disregard for personal property - and indeed human life - by the disenfranchised youth taking part is related to the colour of their skin. These are images of people thought to be involved last night in Croydon, caught on CCTV. I don't know about you, but I'm ashamed of all of them, not just the ones who happen to share my skin tone. 

photo released by the Met.

Is it still anger at bankers' bonuses and MPs' expenses? Do the kids wearing balaclavas really think the balance can be redressed by stealing televisions? We've all been living in this culture of entitlement and rapacious consumerism - and those at the top of the pile and those at the bottom seem to exhibit a similar voracious desire for the new, the best, the most impressive - whether that's a yacht, an i-phone or trainers. Of course, we're all being taxed heavily, but this is not the Rebecca riots of 19th century Wales. Is it down to the lack of jobs for school leavers? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I somehow doubt those with ten A* GCSEs are the ones out stealing trainers and flat screen televisions.

There is a lot of 'blame the parents' about and this is to an extent valid  - I'm a parent myself and say the same - those of us with school age children see it every day. Of course, the vast majority of parents I've met since my son started school - those I choose to spend time with - are good honest people. Some are single mums, some are younger than me, some are older, some are unemployed or have a partner who is. Few are wealthy. A cross section of those on my phone and Facebook includes anglo-Indian, Vietnamese, Mauritian, Jamaican...most of them have lived here far longer than me. What we have in common is the ability to teach our children right from wrong, and respect for other people and the school rules.

Where it starts to go wrong is when there is no discipline for misdemeanours, or when parents don't allow the school to administer punishment. When these kids are allowed to run wild and subsequently have their own children, there is no chance for any kind of moral code to be introduced.  Reports are coming in from Manchester, stating that a whole family has drawn up in a car to loot a shop - parents and kids together. This makes me despair, sadly far more than the Twitter organised clean-ups bring me any joy. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to take more pleasure in seeing photos of beleaguered Brits with brooms - I know there are still good people out there. 

I also had a minor Twitter disagreement today with a Guardian writer who was pontificating that we shouldn't be calling those who are taking part in this orgy of criminality 'scum'. Apparently this is classist and racist. I do not stand for or indulge in class hatred or racism, but I stand by my opinion that arson and robbery and mugging are scummy behaviour - no matter who indulges in it. How else would you describe throwing bricks at fire-engines attempting to get through barricades to put out burning buildings? I can almost understand - but not condone - how tensions can reach boiling point initially, but this sustained  level of violence is not to do with poverty or frustration - just the worst kind of hooliganism and greed.

I hope you all stay safe and our shattered communities can be rebuilt.


Monday, 1 August 2011

Love Never Dies...The Magic and Madness of Ebay Part 3

Men eh? They don't understand the appeal of vintage C&A, they mutter darkly about your boot-sale bargains, they fill the shed with 'useful wood' but still haven't got around to putting up those shelves.  And that's the good ones. My husband hasn't even noticed the change to my voodoo hoodoo enhanced booty

But thanks to Stephanie Meyer's Twilight books a whole generation of teenage girls is newly convinced their Prince will come complete with fangs, and who am I to argue? Ok, so it is kind of creepy to have a boyfriend who'll sneak into your room and watch you while you sleep, but on the plus side Edward will never leave the loo seat up. [His kind of vampire never needs to tinkle. Just sparkle and twinkle]. Mortal boys can't begin to compare.  

Cullen in the name of... 

Gosh, Edward's neat. And those cute Salvatore brothers too - from The Vampire Diaries. If only there was a way to have your own vampire boyfriend. Like those Spirit Dolls I found, but maybe the vessel could be a really cool piece of jewellery, so I could keep him close to me always. What's that? There are sellers on Ebay who can conjure me up my very own vampire spirit and trap it in some kind of tacky heart related geegaw? I'm in! Welcome to the Magic and Madness of Ebay Part 3! 

Yup, you heard correctly, despite general vampire lore declaring that vampires are soulless entities in the first place, apparently there are loads of them who have passed over onto the spiritual plane, and are just itching to be hooked up with lonely singletons who've read Breaking Dawn one too many times. It's kind of like for the undead, without the tedious dating bit. 

Nosferatu:  age 988
Likes: Nightlife, heritage buildings, snow-boarding
WLTM: open-minded jewellery loving lady

Master Andreas of Black Forest Gateau Magick on Ebay seems to know all about it:

"Very often a Vampire will choose the one they wish to be with, whether because of a past life association, or because a pre-destined need. .. The energy of the Vampire can transcend the barrier of your computer screen, reaching out to call their desired Chosen ONE!

Yes! I mean that's what so great about Edward and Bella, right? Their union is eternal, it's meant to be (once Bella's made up her mind about the whole Jacob issue). Master Andreas claims that one buyer's union with her spirit vampire love was so intense she was left 'weeping tears of pure joy at the intensity and bliss of the moment' . They became 'one heart and one breath - an orgasm of the soul'. 

Who knew Freedom at Topshop could offer so much?

Instructions vary depending on which seller you use, but I was quite taken by this guidance on how to bond with your new love. They suggest that you carry the vessel 24/7 for a minimum of 30 days. "However removing the vessel to bathe, shower, swim or exercise is fine." Have you got everything from your locker? Swimsuit, goggles, towel, Vampire spirit vessel...?


Obviously being a mature and sensible mother of two I don't spend a whole lot of time lusting after celibate 17 year olds with boundary issues *crosses fingers behind back, and ACTUALLY he was born in 1901* , but that's not to say this lady doesn't like a vamp. I grew up with them. Well, not literally, although I would totally have joined the motorcycle gang in The Lost Boys. [Before there was drippy Bella, there was hippy Star. Admit it, those of you my kind of age all lusted after Jamie Gertz's peasant skirts and scarves combo]. And who could forget Buffy, who wasn't especially good at actually ridding the world of vampires - at least not the ones she fancied. 

Quick, we've only got 24hrs to make everyone in Santa Carla a vampire

Buffy and her boys

But ladies, I have grown up, and put away childish things. Obviously I'm not going to be taken in by necklaces which offer a vampire soul-mate. I mean really, orgasm of the soul? Do these people think I'm an idiot? Clearly I'm more interested in the regular kind. I've seen Sookie in True Blood and I want some of what she's having!


Screw the soulmate, bring on the orgasms! 

Luckily, a quick search reveals that many vampire spirits are indeed of the erotic variety, and sellers go so far as to suggest that in addition to such side-effects as 'increased libido, increased sexual stamina, multiple orgasms, more attention from others, increased vitality and health...' there may also be 'sexual visitations from the vampire'! Holy moly. This gets better and better. I'd quite like to see some testimonials from happy customers first though, wouldn't you? Look away now if poor spelling and grammar offend you. Oh, and arrant nonsense.

"A**** is so wonderful! I'm in heaven! LOL! He is just so sexy! Remember how I wrote you about him waking me up with kisses? Well it just got better! I'm so happy! I'm thinking of bringing another Vamp into our little family. Kind of a Menage a tois! LOL! Do think that would be okey?"

" I was just drifting off to sleep and it felt like someone sat on the bed. At first I was like WTF? It was kinda creepy. then I felt this warm feeling. It started down there-you know lol then it was like B***** was talking to me. I swear I was awake! I heard him and felt his hands touching me. It was blowing my mind! Then it was like well pretty special if you know what I mean lol. Hope this does'nt make me a pervert lol. I'll write you later with more details. lol."

[I love the way they've blanked out the vamps' names, you know, for their privacy. And pervert? Course not. Lol]

"I wanted to tell you that you vampires are grate. I got som from other places but can no see or feel them at all. I feel both mine all the time. I am working on being more psycic like you said with the meditation. It works cause I can hear my luvs talking to me now."

[Personally I'd be working on being more sane with medication, but that's just me]


And apparently I shouldn't worry about the fact that I'm already, you know, married. That's ok. In fact our old friends at A New Golden Dawn assure me that:

"If you are in a relationship or married, there is No need to feel guilty about your pleasures! You are not 'cheating' on your Human partner! Think of this Vampire Companion as a 'Marital Aide'. He will re-energize your libido and breath new life into a relationship grown tired. You might even consider getting your human male partner a female Erotic Vampire Spirit!"

Well that's the ethical considerations and Christmas sorted. But I know the kind of guy I want. You saw him a  bit further up the page. Not Alexander Skarsgard - he just plays him in True Blood. My current fictional man crush is Eric Northman, Viking vampire and local business owner, created by Charlaine Harris in her Southern Vampire Chronicles. Not that Skarsgard does a bad job, you understand. In fact, let's have another photograph of him for illustrative purposes shall we?

The Norseman Northman. Not bad for a dead dude.

Anyway, that's the kind of vamp lover I'm interested in. And would you believe it, Black Forest Magick will do you a 'custom conjure' for only $125. Yep, you can specify age, nationality, character traits...and the man in question will 'live' in this amethyst ring instead of Sweden.

I may just have sent the following email to see whether they had any Vikings in stock:

Dear Black Forest Magick

I was wondering if you would be able to find me a Nordic Vampire spirit? I feel a real connection with the Vikings and would love to bond with one. Ideally I would want a very strong erotic powerful spirit, who would be protective of me. I have had strong dreams of this already. I hope you can help. The ring is perfect and really called to me. Please let me know I am keen to start my journey with vampire spirits.


And guess what? I got a reply! 

It is no problem for a Viking or Nordic Vampire Spirit to be called. There are many and I have bound them before.
Blessings to you my friend,
Master Andreas

Whoop! If you don't see me around for a while, you can draw your own conclusions. I do just have one more concern though - we've all seen The Lost Boys, right? Will my pointy toothed beau send the goldfish crazy? Seems I've got no reason to worry here either - "as for pets, it's been our experience that most get on fabulously and many vampire spirits are fond of animals."


Lakota x

PS. Have you seen my giveaway to win a necklace from Stall 21? Vampire Lover not included