Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Faith Hope and Charity Swapping! Let's do it!

Entry to the swap is now closed

I knew you'd be up for it! Any excuse to go shopping - and it's entirely guilt free. Quite a few of you have expressed an interest on my last post here, but I'm going to keep it open until the end of next week so other people can sign up too. I'll sort out the swap partners, then I reckon about 6 weeks for the hunting and gathering - what do you think? Do tell any blog friends you think would enjoy it, and if you could put the button below on your sidebar and link it back to this post, that would be great.

EDIT - If you are a new follower and are interested, can you please make sure there is a link to your blog on your profile so I can visit you before sorting the swap. This will take me a while to sort out as it is without having to message people first to find their blogs. Some people have commented but their blog isn't linked in. Thanks for your understanding x
  • So, this is supposed to be fun and thrifty and I don't want to give too many orders, but I was thinking at least 3 items, with a maximum of 5.
  • At least one item must be sourced from a charity shop/boot sale/garage sale/jumble or similar
  • At least one item should be handmade - it doesn't have to be handmade by you if you're not crafty!
  • One item should be jewellery of some description
  • Try and get a sense of what your swap partner likes from their blog posts, pictures etc - and it's not cheating to ask them questions before hand!
  • There is no minimum spend. If you are thrifting genius who sources art deco jewellery from jumble sales for 25p, all the better! Absolute maximum spend is £12 but there is no need to spend this amount if not necessary - remember you will need to post things too.
  • I'm sure I don't need to say this, but do give anything second hand a launder / clean up if necessary!
  • Remember to let your partner know when you receive your parcel, and then it would be lovely if you posted about the swap so we can all share what we got.
Any thoughts or suggestions? Does the money element sound right to you? I don't want to be bossy, but I don't want anyone being disappointed either!

Lakota x


  1. I just put the button on my side bar, how exciting!! i have no other thoughts or suggestions whatsoever, i think you've covered all of it and it sounds very reasonable to me :)

    x Susan

  2. Loving the swap and the challenge! Could blitz all the rules by finding a handcrafted necklace at a bootsale! ;o) V excited bout the swap, cant wait to get my swap partner! Scarlett x

  3. all sounds good to me Lakota...thanks so much for organising it...can't wait to find out who my partner is. Yay!

  4. Really well thought out, I can't wait! I was thinking earlier about there being a minimum/maximum spend as this could end up being a problem otherwise-so glad you've covered all potentially tricky areas. I'm even thinking of starting another blog so I can fully embrace my charity shopping love.

  5. Handcrafted necklace at bootsale would be fine - they don't have to be separate as long as all criteria fulfilled somehow! I don't want to make it too hard or have people buying any old tat just so that's all 'vintage' or thrifted. Do you think number of things is ok? Or should we just have maximum budget?

  6. I think the maximum number of things is a good rule. There could be scope for 'quantity not quality' otherwise. My MIL goes for this tactic at Christmas. This could get so big, so the rules have to be specific. You know your regular followers, but soon there could be hundreds of new people who don't fully 'get' the point of this project.

  7. yes you've got it spot on with the maximum number of items. Well done on organising it, Scarlett x

  8. Oh and being lazy - can you email me the html code for the button as it burts my non computer savvy head working out the codes. Ta hun x

  9. Sounds good. count me in on this one please

  10. Sounds prefect! Can't wait! I'm adding the button now! The money sounds good - the thriftier the better I say! x

  11. Will email you Scarlett, but I don't know how those html codes work - I always have problems when people put code under the button and can never get it to work. I usually just right click on the image and save to my desktop as a jpeg. Then when you go into gadget and add a picture, you select 'from my computer', browse for the file and upload it that way.

    Then the address to link back to is

    Hope this helps!

  12. this sounds like a wonderful idea - I would love to get involved. I LOVE shopping for others - too much fun!
    Thanks for organising this - looking forward to it :)

  13. Found an easy peesy way of doing it, went to the gadgets and clicked add picture and the rest was done - cant believe i didnt know this before with my giveaway when i was all over th internet trying to find the codes! Scarlett x

  14. Brill...I'm off to put th ebutton on my blog sidebar...I nearly said Seventies of me!!xx

  15. I've never taken part in a swap before but always longed to. Please count me in.

  16. All sounds fab to me and glad its 6 weeks for hunting and gathering as it could take a few visits before finding something suitible.

  17. All sounds great to me. My first swap so I'm looking forward to it.

  18. The rules sound sensible to me :0)

  19. I would be interested.. but my last (and first)swap didnt go well - i was so rushed and forgot about it! then i just sent what i could grab at the time. Still having sleepless nights over it! xx

  20. Love it! I think the rules sound fair. I think 6 weeks is good too. Sometimes it takes a while to find something decent.

  21. Hi Lakota,
    Count me in.
    J x

  22. Yep, I'm still up for it, it will be my first swap too. x

  23. Count me in as well. Cheers Nick

  24. Go on, count me in - this should be my ideal swap - any excuse to have a good bootsale/CS rummage :)

    I'll add your button when I blog later.

  25. Sounds like fun - count me in too, please!

  26. all sounds good! have added the button and am ready to shop/make.x

  27. My first ever blog swap. Count me in please. Now need to work out how to put your button on my blog. Madison xxx

  28. Hi Lakota, can't remember whether I said it before but yes from me. Can we make it 8 weeks to complete the swapping? If you think that's tooooo long, then I'll happily go with the 6 and get my arse into gear. Byeee. xx

  29. Really excited about the swap Lakota, thank you so much for organising, it all sounds perfect to me in terms of time scheme/prices/items etc :-)

    Jem xXx

  30. Button added. I felt like I was Christmas shopping today when I had a charity shop fix! Could have spent loads, if I had the money. It'll be my birthday in 6 weeks (ish time) too!

  31. Excellent idea! :) I'll have to join the next one if you have one, I'm a little too late for this one!

  32. Quick question - are you going to pair up people in the same countries? Scarlett x

  33. That's the plan, where possible, but if people who are willing to post internationally could say so, that would be helpful. If anyone is left out I'll try and recruit someone in their neck of the woods, but everyone will have to be realistic re: people's budgets.

  34. Love the idea, i will add your button to my blog later to ;-)) dee x

  35. I love the idea, too! Can I play? I'll add the button later...promise! xxx

  36. Hello, my first visit and I would love to join this swap,so could i put my name on the list or maybe i am a little late,have a great day,going now to read your older posts.

  37. Count me in please, this sounds like a great idea for a swap. I will add the button now xxx

  38. Thanks for your message on my blog, I would love to do this! I will work out how to add the button! I am rubbish with the techie bit! Really need to revamp my whole blog! Lovely blog, off to read through posts now! xx

  39. P.S. blog is

  40. I think this would be really fun to do! I'd really like to take part but can I just check- what might the items include- obviously a jewellery item, something handmade and are we talking clothing, knick-knacks? Sorry, not quite sure what it would entail! Am a newby to swapping! Am up on the charity-shopping bit-it's just the what exactly we are talking about that I am not sure about!

  41. Eeeek! Count me in too,please!!
    Sounds right up my alley!

  42. I love swaps but am always worried when no definate numbers are given that I have sent enough!! Yours is brill 3-5 items, 1 charity,1 handmade, 1 jewelry, max spend £12 and 6 wks to sort excellent how can I go wrong. Please count me in
    Thanks Pene

  43. Oooh, I'll join in please, I haven't done a swap for a while :) x

  44. Sounds just perfect. I'm definitely in. Thanks so much for organising this. xx

  45. Sounds fab! Well done for sorting it. I'll pop the badge on my blog now x

  46. i'm a new follower too, what a fab idea, with my love of charity shop shopping, this sounds just up my street!!! count me in please!!!

  47. Fabbo idea, count me in too please. I will add the button to my blog if I can figure out how to do it. Thanks for organising it Lakota, it should be great fun.

  48. Is New Zealand to far to send or if there is a Aussie or other Kiwi signed up that would be good.I don't mind posting overseas but I don't want to but any pressure on anyone else too.

  49. Definitely count me in, my sort of swap! ... :0)

  50. Hi Lakota, What a fantastic idea! I would love to join in your swap, I hope I am not too late. Apologies for joining in late - all work and no play lately)Your button is going on da blog! From your biggest fan Bx

  51. What a fab idea please count me in too!! I will add your link button right now:)

  52. What a wonderful idea for a swap! Im a new finder, and will add the button as well - please count me in!!


  53. If im not too late Count me in. PS . I like your blog : )

  54. Hopefully I'm not too late to be counted in - the rules seem spot on to me. xxx

  55. I'm just about to add the button to my blog. Really looking forward to it - can't wait to see who I'm paired up with!

  56. Would love to join if I'm not too late????

  57. Hi Lakota,
    first I wanted to say that I have been reading your blog for a while, it's one of my two favourite ones. Great work, very inspiring, and always interesting. Thank you for all the work you put in (I believe?) to make it what it is.
    second, I wanted to check if it is still ok to sign up for the swap? I have never done one before and would love to participate. Sounds fun. I love opshopping, crafting, and finding little treasure for others. Perfect! However, I am in NZ too and hope this would not be an inconvenience to anyone in terms of postage, etc.
    xx Florence (

  58. ooooh! how did I miss this ? Can I join in please ?? can I , HUH! can I ? Jumps up and down in an excited manner ....

  59. I'm interested, while my blog doesnt really reflect the crazy-a- op shopping demon I am, I am and would love to participate, Im in NZ too

  60. Count me in!!! I live in Spain, so any European blogger partner will be great!!!
    How do you do the button adding thing?
    My blog:

  61. Never mind!! I did it the way you explained it to Scarlett, and it worked!! Thanks for the easy button thingy explanation!!!

    Do you have an aproximate partner assignment date? OOOOHHHH I can't wait!!!!

  62. Poo! I just saw this on Helga's blog - I missed it... Shame on me! I'm following now so if you would like to do another one or if anyone receives anything that they can't use - I'd be glad to to join in! Cheers!


Thanks for your comment - it's no fun unless I know what you think!

If you ask a question others might want answering too I'll reply here in the comments - if it's personal, I'll reply directly by email if you're set up.