Thursday, 3 October 2013
National Poetry Day 2013
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Guess who's back, back again?

Suzanne claimed the bargain of the day at Absolute Vintage - a £1 cheongsam languishing in their bargain bin. [My £4 version is here]. No doubt they doubted their chances of finding someone tiny enough to fit in it outside of Hong Kong - seriously, it was weeny - but as you can see it looks incredible on her.
Another highlight was finding a subterranean vintage market held in the old Victorian public toilets. Dora and Vix bought skirts while I wrestled with my ever growing attraction to 80s goth prom dresses. I blame my addiction to John Hughes films and the fact that I was 13 when the decade ended - I didn't get to wear any of the fun stuff.
Despite proclaiming that she wasn't shopping, Vix got a fabulous skirt for a ten quid (pic on her blog), and I felt strangely relieved that the queen of thrifty vintage managed to find something in the smoke that wasn't too ridiculously priced. These Topshop sequin shorts were quite fun (found at another vintage market on Brick Lane), but I think I'll be able to find them cheaper on eBay:
I did get a denim waistcoat a la Vix for £4, but the best buy from here was Dora's 'Blade Runner' shades. Excuse me for going all Project Runway for a minute - but FIERCE!
It was great to meet 3 such incredible women who are just as cool as their blogs would suggest - thank you also for the wonderful gifts (I had a mild and as it turned out totally justified panic about this before I left - my main excuse is not having left the house in a week aside from school pick ups. I will reciprocate somehow). If anyone else is planning a London trip and fancies meeting up do give me a shout via my blog email - I am checking it again now!
Hmm, 40 million blog posts to read. I may be some time.
Lakota x
* Yes, it's an oldie. But makes me laugh.
Friday, 28 June 2013
Ten years married
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Freebie and Competition Roundup
£3.80 - but you get a very cute free Ciaté nail polish set worth a tenner. It's a mini 'cookies and cream' polish, plus a bottle of nail caviar, in pale gold tones. If you have no idea what the hell I'm on about with my talk of nail caviar, I will show you in another post. [Once I've cleaned the bathroom. It's not exactly a low maintenance look]. Anyway, it's the one with Alicia Keys on the cover, who sang with Jay-Z about New York on 'Empire State of Mind'. Oh, and also in the wrapping was a mini sample of toothpaste, very handy if like me, you happen to be going to New York. Ahem.
It's a bit odd that they've decided to give away a Rodial Self Tan lotion the month that porcelain skinned actress Amy Adams is on the cover, but mine is not to question the doubtless terrifying editorial team at Elle. I'm not buying this one because I don't do fake tan - flashbacks to a secondary school production of Jesus Christ Superstar in which I appeared as a tango'd leper - however, a £4 spend for a product worth £13.50 seems pretty good, if you're a bronzed glamazon type.
Free this month is Elemis Beauty Balm worth £11.50. Red is usually £4.00 but is currently on offer in Tesco at half price. This is a real 'luxury brand' moisturiser - if you bought the full size 50ml product it would cost you £32, so for an £8 spend you could get 60ml.
Not quite such an impressive offering from Cosmo, one of three pairs of sunglasses, some Smints mints and a packet of sweeties. You could probably get equivalent sunnies in Primark for around about the £3.60 spend, but it might prevent you from being nagged by the offspring for a comic while you browse the mags if you bribe them with the sweets.
£2 gets you the magazine and one of five products from Model Co. There's a mascara worth £16, two lipglosses at £16 each, plus a lipliner and an eyeliner retailing at £15 apiece. I've never tried their products but it would be a great way of replenishing your makeup bag on a budget.
Once you've finished the mags - or if you've bought multiple copies - why not drop them in to your local dentist or doctor's surgery? There's nothing worse than being without a book at the health centre and having to resort to reading a copy of People's Friend from 1992, or a leaflet on malaria. Hairdressers always need a good supply of glossies too, and I've also seen them sold in certain charity shops.
- Simon Carter cufflinks from Liberty of London
- Mac red lipstick
- Black and silver beaded headband
- Red feather boa
- Baz Luhrman's 'Epic Romances' DVD boxset
- Silver plated faux pearl and diamanté necklace
- Sunday jazz cruise on the Thames for two
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Ta-dah! Tuesday - insert 'horny' joke here...
I don't know if it would go with the rest of my bedroom, but I'm really tempted to spray paint it neon pink. Or maybe just the base? Anyway, I fully recommend embracing the Scottish hunting lodge look when it comes to jewellery storage. Although don't blame me if Herne the Hunter shows up to chase you down next time you're on a forest ramble.
What have you got to share this week? Link up below.
Lakota x
Finally finished that project or made an item you're really proud of? Have you learned to do something new or at last found that item that's been on your thrift list forever? Come and share your excitement with others on 'Ta-dah! Tuesday'. All welcome - from a quick post to a detailed 'how-to'.
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Friday, 31 May 2013
Frock on a Friday - cheongsam
So, on to the dress. I found it in a charity shop for £4. It looks hardly worn. And it's purple! Yay! I had a cheongsam years ago but it met with an accident so I'm really pleased to finally find a replacement. [It only took a couple of decades]. Possibly it needs removal of another rib/5lbs to be completely flattering - shiny satin not being the worlds most photograph friendly material, but I swear that is just wrinkles in the fabric, not flab. Mostly. Possibly it would look better inside, in the gloom. [Gosh,I'm really working this fashion blogger angle].
Cheongsams are possibly the world's most impractical clothing - you can't really sit down, or eat, or um, breathe - but hey, respiration is overrated!
And finally, here's my contribution to the 'chronic Bitchface' archives:
Lakota x
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Ta-dah! Tuesday - Banana and Chocolate Muffins
Ingredients (makes 12)
10oz/275g Self Raising Flour
1tsp bicarb soda, pinch salt
3oz/75g sugar
3 ripe bananas, mashed
1 egg, beaten
2 fl oz/50 ml milk
3 fl oz/75 ml oil (veg/sunflower)
4oz/100g bar dark chocolate, smashed while in the wrapper using a rolling pin.
- Preheat oven to 190c
- Sift the flour, bicarb, salt and sugar into a bowl and make a well in the centre.
- Add the bananas, egg, oil, milk and chocolate and stir briefly to combine. The mixture will be quite lumpy, this is fine.
- Spoon into paper cases in a muffin tin, or silicon muffin moulds.
- Cook in the preheated oven for 20 minutes, until they look like this:
- Amazing warm or cold.
*Yes, I purposefully buy bananas so they can go brown and have to be used in cake recipes.
Finally finished that project or made an item you're really proud of? Have you learned to do something new or at last found that item that's been on your thrift list forever? Come and share your excitement with others on 'Ta-dah! Tuesday'. All welcome - from a quick post to a detailed 'how-to'.
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Friday, 24 May 2013
G'day Africa!
Following a day where he'd gone into school wearing spots à la Pudsey Bear for a £1 charity donation*, Boy2 was uncharacteristically forthcoming about what he'd learned in class. I listened proudly as he told me they'd watched a film explaining why they were raising funds, showing children with no shoes walking miles to school, and how sometimes they would only have one meal a day. "They don't have houses like us Mummy, and maybe only one toy. And they have to drink dirty brown water that can make you not well". I was really pleased at how carefully he'd listened and taken in what they'd been taught, and told him so, adding that we were very lucky in our country, and shouldn't forget it.
He walked from the room with the satisfied air of one who has imparted great wisdom:
"And that is all about Australia" he said.
So close...
Lakota x
* you can tell whoever thinks up this stuff has girls. When was the last time you saw boys' clothing with polka dots on?
Thursday, 23 May 2013
It's been way too long. Thanks to those who have emailed or called me in my absence, I'm now officially a Home Counties mama instead of a Sarf London mum. There's plenty to do on the house, but the garden keeps drawing my eye to the window and I find myself gazing vacantly out, not achieving very much. I have plenty of my usual random nonsense to get around to writing about, but in the absence of any actual Springlike weather here's my Kate Humble-esque nature report from Hertfordshire. [You'll have to imagine me in a fleece, the odd leaf tumbled artlessly in my pre-Raphaelite locks]
It flew off, then it or one of its equally dozy cousins did the same thing to an upstairs bedroom a couple of days ago. When they're not being kamikaze at our windows they tend to strut around the garden, puffed up with their own importance, giving the ladies piercing looks and shitting all over the lawn. [Only one of those things doesn't make me think of Paul Hollywood off Great British Bake-off]. One met an untimely end at the claws of a sparrowhawk in next door's garden - we'd already seen him narrowly miss a siskin in our own - which was unfortunate for the pigeon, but another exciting day for the twitchers in the house. That's all of us, with the possible exception of boy2. He insists on referring to certain avian visitors as 'Batman birds' and 'the boy wonder'. [He has a pretty good sense of humour for a 5 year old]. Incidentally, the boy wonder has made a nest in the ivy on our fence, so we should have baby robins soon.
Apparently there are black squirrels locally. Now if that doesn't sound like some kind of witches' familiar I don't know what does. Cute though.
Lakota x
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Ta-dah! Tuesday - Angry Birds Cake
Finally finished that project or made an item you're really proud of? Have you learned to do something new or at last found that item that's been on your thrift list forever? Come and share your excitement with others on 'Ta-dah! Tuesday'. All welcome - from a quick post to a detailed 'how-to'.
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Friday, 22 March 2013
More stuff to painstakingly pack in a box and then not open for months when we get there...
I love the retro pattern and colour, although I haven't been able to find out what it's called. I also realised when I got it home that it reminded me of a print we have by Sally Elford - you can see more of her screen-prints here.
I'm off to see a new school for Boy2 in a minute. Sadly they don't have a place for Boy1 yet, but he's so sweet and eager that it won't be a problem to have him at home for a while. I told him we'd have to do a bit of work together, and he immediately said "I'll make a schedule!". He came back 5 minutes later with a timetable, saying "I've given myself a fun day on Fridays - art and Spanish!". Sadly all I can currently teach him in Spanish is rude words and how to order beer and tapas, but I can't fault his enthusiasm...
Lakota x
Linking up to Magpie Monday
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Ta-dah! Tuesday - 8th birthday Cake
Finally finished that project or made an item you're really proud of? Have you learned to do something new or at last found that item that's been on your thrift list forever? Come and share your excitement with others on 'Ta-dah! Tuesday'. All welcome - from a quick post to a detailed 'how-to'.
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Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Freebie Round-up (UK)
Glamour - only £2, and you get a full size Percy & Reed shampoo, conditioner, volumising oil (whatever that is) or shine stuff. I got the shampoo, I like to change what I use occasionally.
Marie Claire - Full size Neal's Yard handcream worth £10. Well worth getting. Bargain.
I also spotted this Let's Grow Veg magazine - which costs £7.99 but claims to have your 'complete start-up kit for 2013 worth £72'. I don't know about that, but it does contain 10 packets of seed, so even assuming they're as little as 99p each, you'd still get two packets free, plus the magazine. The seeds are Courgette, Beetroot, Radish, Chilli, Tomato, Salad, Rocket, Leek, Carrot and Kale.
Edit: I've just checked here and the seeds are worth £17.62. The other offers are 'free item but pay postage' where you can claim strawberry plants, potatoes, bird feeders etc.