Tuesday 29 January 2013

Ta-dah! Tuesday

Hmm, what to ta-dah? A big wardrobe sort out is under way - loads of stuff on eBay, bags for the charity shop, and bags for recycling. I am in the process of trying everything on and ditching anything that doesn't fit, doesn't flatter or that I've just hung on to for no discernible reason. Right now my bedroom looks like a bomb went off in Oxfam. So it's a slightly miffed farewell to things I bought only last year, but a happy hello again to two pairs of 7 for all Mankind jeans and one of my all time favourite coats which I bought as a student. I can wear it and breathe at the same time again - hurrah!

Hello impractical for the wet weather coat!

I'll have another post coming up a bit later - look out for it because there's a giveaway involved. Until then, please link up all your best moments, makes, outfits and bakes. Y'all know the drill.

Lakota x


  1. Ahhh clearouts . . . I really need to get myself into gear to finish my half arsed effort!! Impressed at your motivation with eBaying things! :-)

    Jem xXx

  2. Yay for clearouts I say! I'm through with my wardrobe where I have to take every damn thing out because I can't find anything. I've already filled two binbags of stuff for the charity shop. Huzzah!

  3. I do love a good clear out, so liberating! Shame that coat fits you again, I'd kill for it, impractical or not, it's a stunner. x

    1. Tee hee, yes it would look lovely on you! But the boobs fit in it again and hence it stays with me ;-)

  4. A clear out is great! you find things you have forgotten about :) have a wonderful day sorting!

    Bee happy x

  5. Hooray for impractical, gorgeous coats that fit again - woo hoo!!! Does this mean we get to see you in it? Awwwwwww go orrrrrrrrrrrrn!!!!! xoxoxo

  6. Oh, gorg coat, I'd keep that one too! Xo

  7. That coat is fab and of course certainly worth wearing again. I've been eBaying a few unloved pieces that fall into that awful catogery 'what the hell was I thinking when I bought that?' xxx

  8. YAH you are shopping your own closet! I swear you will find things you forgot all about and that you love like this fabulous coat!

  9. I had a sheepskin as a student too... which I wore in the rain. oops!! That's a really nice coat. You'll feel better when it's all gone, then you can buy more xx

  10. Ooo, lovely coat! Must be the New Year inspiration - since the Mayan calendar was wrong, I guess we should clean our closets.

  11. Checking in here from rainy Vancouver. The coat is gorgeous. I say wear it with joy. Sometimes, waiting for the weather to change makes me feel old, LOL. Thanks for hosting Ta Da! Tuesday.

  12. Ooh I love that glam rockstar coat! Sarah xxx

  13. Well done having a successful clear-out. If anything else it reminds you of the things you truly love, like your coat. Hope you make big bucks on eBay with the rest.

  14. Great coat - always a joy when things fit again (especially post-child)! I need to get my lazy ass in gear and de-clutter for dear life! I also need to haul myself in front of the Wii Fit, but that's another story! Re: CD - I bought Spiders by Space and Pleased To Meet You by Sleeper.


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