Tuesday 9 October 2012

Ta-dah! Tuesday - What was he thinking? Who nose...

There was high drama in my house this weekend. As is usually the way, there was little warning of what was about to occur. My parents were due to arrive for a flying visit pre their holiday. Mr FHCS was making a lasagna,  I was wrestling with duvet covers, and the children were playing nicely. Or as it turned out, Boy1 was playing nicely. Boy2, for reasons best known to himself, but apparently 'to see whether it would fit', had decided to embark on a journey of experimentation involving his nasal passages and his favourite toy. Our industriousness was therefore cut short by a sudden blood-curdling wail.

Through his sobs, we were able to ascertain that there was 'wego up my nose, and I can't get it out!'. Further questioning revealed that there were in fact two small 'dots' stuck together up his left nostril, and that the pieces in question were 'yewwoh'. However, we couldn't see anything and a Sunday afternoon trip to A&E beckoned.

A kind nurse with a 'snotoscope' and some tweezers managed to extract the offending pieces and Boy2 left with the ability to build car headlights and a rather undeserved 'well done' sticker, given that he apparently screamed blue murder. Perhaps they were just congratulating him on his pioneering research into the limits of parental patience the human body. I knew we should have bought him a shape-sorter...

[Yes, it's been washed since]

I suppose it's a good thing he told us, unlike the six year old who had a lego wheel up his nose for three years. 

Let's hope it's Boy1 who'll be looking after us in our dotage...


Oh, and in case you missed it - sign up for the Christmas Swap 2012 is now OPEN! Make new friends, go shopping guilt free and receive parcels in the post. What could be better? Spread the word and sign up over on yesterday's post.

So, anything to link up this week? Preferably less disgusting than mine please.

Lakota x


  1. Ouch! I recently read a blog post explaining how to wash Lego and I wondered why anyone would bother, now I know. Six years?! Doesn't bear thinking about. xxx

  2. Yikes - yet another reason why I am avoiding giving my first born any lego (with the number one being that it hurts so much when you tread on the stuff) hope he is alright now :-)

  3. Thank goodness they got it out! There was a man on the news once who had a rolled up bus ticket removed from his ear after about 60 years. You could still read the ticket!
    Thank you for having me!

  4. And I thought Lego was just dangerous to bare feet, you live and learn! My mum loves to remind me of the time I stuck a tictac up my nose and had to have it removed.

  5. My eldest daughter when she was three, did the same (twice, really) but after the visit, the doctors didn't find the object (it was a clear pink half bead) and after a week she toss it out from her mouth!
    I hope he won't try it again!
    I try to put the link for the swap, sorry but I didn't understand how to link the badge!

  6. I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh, but that's really funny (now he's ok, of course). I can just imagine one or both of the junior birds doing that in the future x

  7. 'daisy in ear' said my then 2 year old sister to my Mum when Mum was busy feeding child 3 - indeed there was and a trip to the Docs was needed to remove the offending flower!

    Am saying nothing about my 2 because despite their numerous attempts nothing actually got stuck!

  8. Well I'm not alone it would seem. My daughter got a button stuck up her nose last week, it wasn't her though, 'it was the wind' in the living room.. Those long tweezers are amazing aren't they!

  9. Hahahahaa! Poor little guy, kids really do do the strangest things. Maybe he wants to join the circus or become a magician, all things have to start somewhere! Hopefully in future he'll think twice about inserting things in holes.. well that came out wrong! ~♥~

  10. Boy 2 is clearly the scientist of the family, utilising himself as a human guinea pig. You've got to admire his experimental courage! My Other Half tells a tale of sticking a crayon up his nose as a kid (he's got a big nose, could probably fit a whole box of Crayola up there) and my mum, yes, my MUM remembers sticking a bead in her ear and not being able to get it out. So it seems to be a common occurrence!
    Linked again, for no good reason other than wearing a petticoat. Don't ban me for being crap and never making anything, I just wanna play! xxxxx

  11. hahaha - that'll teach him. On the other hand, my 6 year old still jumps around like a daft thing after he broke his leg 'chasing a balloon off the sofa'.

    Ahhh we wouldn't want them any other way (yes we would!).

  12. Yikes. I don't know, boys! (And you know what - it doesn't stop even when they hit their teens. Just, the things they get up to then are even more bewildering and shocking.)

  13. Oh my gosh!!! it gave me shivers to think if i had a son and this thing happen, i'd probably fainted coz i panic easily...glad your son is okay and they got that thing out! oh christmas swap is here again!! sign me up please! as usual...with UK swap partner too if it possible :)

    xx susan

  14. Kids eh what are they like! Kids and dogs I had to extract googly eyes from my dogs mouth this morning!!

  15. Hilarious! Reminds me of my brother who, 40 odd years ago not only put a pea up his nose but swallowed a threepenny bit. He was always in Casualty.

  16. OMG that is horrifying! Children are disgusting. Says the woman who went to hospital with a chunk of puke lodged in her soft palate. Sarah xxx

  17. I jammed a penny up my nose when I was three..something apparently one can live through but you can be certain he will NEVER do it again - I was really good after that :)

  18. Yep, just when you think everything's running smoothly, an atom bomb goes off. I'm sure my mum thought the same about the goat poo sultanas. xo

  19. You brought back the memory of my daughter stuffing small bits of dandelion up her nose. We had to go to the doctor who removed them with those long tweezers you mentioned. That was a long time ago and you will survive, hopefully. XXOO

  20. hahaha... what a odd thing to do! I'm pleased to say I never did that as a child :) x

  21. Oh, poor wee soul! Must have given you a bit of a fright, though!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  22. Oh wow what a way to spend a sunday though I should confess this has made me chuckle!
    Thankfully I don't recall doing this myself but my best friend got a pebble stuck up her nose when she was 3, and happily left it up there most of the day before she decided it was best to tell her parents! Her Mum still tells the story 30 years on!

  23. Why do they do that? My granddaughter tried to demonstrate how not to do it once with marbles in her mouth. Fortunately we were able to prevent a disaster.

  24. Reminds me of the time I ended up in A & E at age 7 after swallowing the mouthpiece/whistle of a toy flute. The Xray located it and I was told it would come out naturally! My husband, when a small child, pushed a pebble into his ear and had it removed under anaesthetic. Kids will be kids.

  25. Aw, "wego up my nose" that's so cute! I know it's not at the time and a&e is the last place you want to be but it's still a cute little tale. Kids eh. Curtise's comment made me laugh. I never seem to have anything interesting to share on a tuesday but I still just wanna play:) xx

  26. aww he sounds so cute!! if trying! I never got anything stuck up my nose but I did eat deadly nightshade...

  27. Oh gosh what a saga! Glad to hear all is well with boy 2 now though and the lego is safely back where it belongs xxx

  28. Omg, thank goodness they got it out! What is it with kids and sticking things up their noses? (Actually I only hear about boys doing it.) When we were little my other noticed that my brother had the sniffles, but only one side was draining. The doctor pulled a wad of aluminum foil and a bunch of peas out of there! He hated peas, but what was the aluminum foil to ensure the peas stayed in there? XXX PS yes we still tease him, especially when he's sick

  29. Pushing the boundaries indeed.
    In our time at Black Towers we've had dried peas, Rice Krispies,and a tiny snail shell complete with snail shoved up various nostrils.
    Long tweezers were a must in our house for years.

  30. Very blog and move from you, people now can even make a charity contribution while shopping. Very good keep up the good work.



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