Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Ta-dah! Tuesday - what NOT to include in your eBay photos...

Hello, hope everyone's January is going well. Are you a teetotal gym bunny, or still eating a spoonful of elderly brandy-butter each time you open the fridge? If you're one of the many people who have decided to de-clutter and generally have a wardrobe sort out, you may be tempted at some point this month to head to your bedroom for a trying on session. Once you've ascertained which of your frocks no longer fit, and which of those sale bargains just never got worn, you can get started on photographing them for your eBay listings.  Just a couple of teeny hints to bear in mind though:

  • It's tricky at this time of year, but try to take your pictures in natural light when you can
  • Use several photos so buyers can see labels, details, scale etc.
  • Choose a clear backdrop - no messy wardrobe as in the photo below, and no grubby carpets.
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY OF ALL - if you're going to be reflected in the mirror while you take your photograph - FOR THE LOVE OF GOD REMEMBER TO PUT ON UNDERWEAR!!

I'm pretty sure Jane Torvill always wore pants...
[click to enlarge if you dare]

Yes, it's a hard lesson to learn, but if you're going to put a photo on the internet, check, check and check again. Remember 'fat naked dude reflected in kettle'? No-one really wants that on their internet CV.The listing above has been doing the rounds on Facebook and Twitter. I figured it was funny enough to share but as I'm not a complete meanie [no, really] I have blacked out the poor girl's face and her home town.

EDIT: I did check the other day and it wasn't up any more, however Sandy has since discovered that no-knickers girl has relisted...and the Cheryl Cole-esque skater dress is now up to nearly £154,000! And er, my whole privacy thing was pretty pointless. She looks like this and comes from Oxford. So scratch everything I said before - if you want to achieve the best price - ALWAYS make sure you're naked in your photos! 

Tempted? You could get 5,000 nectar points as well...

So, got any ta-dahs which don't involve flashing your nether regions to unsuspecting internet shoppers? Do link them up!

Lakota x
PS. I post more of this kind of nonsense over on my Facebook page.


  1. Hi my dear!! Tip top advice and I think when I do sell my clothes online I will use my hangers, don't want anyone seeing any vpl or worse!! xx

  2. I went into my daughters room to take a pic of my reflection modelling a dress I wanted to sell. Only when I posted the pic on a site did I spot what was clearly a pair of her dropped knickers on her floor and in my shot. No one bought the dress! x

  3. OH dear.... Not the photo you would want the world to see is it? x

  4. LMAO! Oh god, surely she must have realised that she and her lady bits were in the photograph?! I'm surprised she even bothered with a bra! Maybe she thought she'd attract a wider range of bidders this way, female AND male! I wonder if it ever sold! x

  5. This did make me laugh when I saw it on Twitter yesterday, although I do feel sorry for the poor girl that the first person to notice (and forward it on to the world) didn't bother to censor the bits that you did. It would never occur to me to take my ebay pics in the nip, mirror or no mirror!

  6. Oh no.. I just searched eBay to see if the listing had sold.. it is still up but this time she's wearing some clothes! And check out how much the dress is going for! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/asos-yellow-skater-dress-size-10-2nd-time-round-a-MUST-HAVE-/251214125584?pt=UK_Women_s_Dresses&hash=item3a7d875a10


  7. LOL! How embarrassing! At least she was sensible and wore a jacket for her re-listing photo.

  8. Haha this had me in fits of giggles! I did the whole wardrobe clear out/ebay listing thing on Sunday just there but I was definitely fully clothed whilst doing so. Oh dear, poor girl!

  9. Brilliant!!!I can't believe she didn't notice she wasn't wear anything!!Maybe she was hoping to sell herself!
    Always a great Tuesday's moment!!

  10. You are so funny, hehehhehehe. I have been on Ebay sice 2007, and I have seen a few disaster photos, lol
    Have a lovely day, my friend.

  11. hahahah! so funny! that poor girl!

  12. Omg, too funny, even funnier because in the reshoot she's still only half-clothed.

  13. That is hilarious! Her dignity may have taken a dive, but if she gets anywhere near that kind of money, she'll probably have the last laugh! x

  14. If she really gets all that money for a rather yucky frock, she's had the last laugh, hasn't she?!
    Right - I'm trying it. Do you think a retro 1970s bush will make for good sales? (It's winter, I can't be bothered to depilate...)
    Can you imagine?! The horror, the horror! xxxx

  15. Good spot! I haven't seen any reflecto-porn in yonks, and that one's about as blatant as they come!

  16. Actually, I've studied that photo (in the interests of research) and she's a PLANT! The angles are all wrong. There's no way she took that photo on her phone.


  17. That is my greatest fear - that someTHING reflects in one of my photos. Course, not that I'm sayin I engage in photography-while-naked, seems a money making venture tho.

  18. and the winning bidder didn't pay up???;) that would have been a funny one if she'd opened a non-payment dispute with ebay, lol. had to have a look at the re-listing.... "as seen by thousands. never worn naked". how to come back from the brink with style! xx

  19. I remember one of these going round a couple of years back where it was a naked dude reflected in a window, and he was selling a TABLE! Most amusing.
    Happy New Year, blossom!
    Nah, I don't do all that resolution shite, despite probably needing to! I just can't stick to them!

  20. Hilarious! I knew I'd been missing a trick with my ebay listings. Bit of a bargain too seeing as she's dropped her P&P charges on the 2nd listing!

  21. My hubby showed me this lastnight and I was howling, it resulted in me looking up loads of these eBay naked photos, the funniest being a bare 4r5e behind a bike, I thought. Hooray, I'm on my laptop so can comment tonight. xx

  22. Guess what you've just inspired me to do? Take ebay photos. Timely advice. Let me go find some pants.

  23. I need to add naked photos in my email signature at work then :)maybe not me but some hot chick :)

  24. Guffawing here...thanks for the laugh out loud moment, ;)

  25. You know about regretsy.com, where DIY meets WTF, right? If not, do check through its archives for some good laughs.

  26. This is too funny, but she obviously likes showing off a little.

    I'm going to have to check out regretsy.com - hadn't heard of that!

  27. Lakota you always manage to make laugh out loud!
    I guess she is selling her snatch as well.

  28. ha ha ha ha OMG i dont know if to say stupid girl, poor girl or clever girl :-) Over that listing of the yellow dress. dee xx

  29. That's it, I'm selling everything I own. I plan to make a fortune and buy an island to hide on. xo

  30. Oh dear, but the cynic in me says she knew exactly what she was doing, especially as it's been picked up by the Daily Wail and there's no attempt there to hide her shame!

  31. Hahahhahahaa! Flashing yer minge for all to see! For shame.

  32. haha! This is hilarious! The poor girl must be so embarrassed!
    (Kinda serves her right though - who does that naked??)

  33. Wow. Wow. WOW. I'm uh speechless and that takes a lot! I guess this is why I don't make any money on eBay!
    No post to show, but I have made it almost halfway through my goal of doubling my knowledge of foreign swear words thanks to you and others! Pretty soon I'll be able to say I can swear in TWO dozen languages! XXX
    PS I was actually hoping to learn some Welsh swearing, so thank you -- hope I'm pronouncing them right, tried learning Welsh on my own, but gave up. Need to hear it to learn it!

  34. I feel a bit worried that perverts are bidding on the dress at that price!

  35. That is very funny, unfortunate and fortunate at the same time!!! Was it deliberate? Wow, she's done well on that dress if it actually sells, that's all I can say!

  36. Ooh yes I saw this on fb. Makes my ebay photos seem very dull by comparison. Didn't realise quite how well her dress had done. I wonder if they actually paid...? x

  37. Greetings from the Arctic Circle. Ship is docked hiding from storm force 9 but good internet connection so can catch up with you. Saw Northern Lights!!

  38. Hello,

    Great post as always, made me laugh a lot! All these years I have been going wrong by wearing the clothes I sell.

    Been a lack of posting on my part since I got kicked off my blog as was linked to an old e-mail account. Still working on the store but thats the downside of mates doing it for no charge till I start selling stuff.

    Anyway hopefully will open soon, but just loaded a few things up to facebook for now as a taster: http://www.facebook.com/JeTaimeVintage

    Looks like your blog is doing amazingly well!

    Aimee xxx


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