I've been a bit slack on the blogging front recently, mainly because I've been tired. [This stupid get fit and get thin thing takes up loads of time and it's borrrring.] I have other things to do as well - like write a review of my friend's book,* and I've put pressure on myself to do it properly. As a result, I'm doing a virtual 'lalala can't hear you' and haven't started it. However - we're in the process of buying a house, AGAIN - and naturally THINGS WILL BE DIFFERENT. Because I will have.. an office**. A creative hub. An oasis of learning. A room of one's own, as insisted on by Virginia Woolf. Of course, it's highly probable that I will be just the same, and spend more time on Pinterest drooling over pictures of desks and world maps and pen pots than I will actually writing. But that's the fun bit, right? [And yes, I'm well aware that I should be perfectly capable of tapping out a best selling novel / earth shatteringly popular blog at the kitchen table. In between my volunteer work and raising triplets single-handed. And like, baking and stuff.]
Post-it note table for doodles and designs
Just rip it off and start again when you're done!
Lamps £8 each
Parcel tape 2 for £1
Bull pen and post-it holder £2
Origami/crafting paper £1 a packet
Bike clips 4 for £1
So, because I got a bit carried away - and to celebrate two years of blogging, I have a little parcel of goodies to give away.
- Pack of pretty crafting papers
- Speech bubble post-it notes - perfect for adding to photos of friends
- Bicycle paper clips
- A mini glue-gun complete with 3 glue sticks
- Pack of Dutch waffles. Sustenance is important for inspiration. [Unless I've eaten them as well as my own packet. Yum]
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Lakota x
PS. While we're on the subject of stationery, I really have to show you these gorgeous notecards that the beautiful and fragrant Kylie sent me recently. She's made them out of a vintage ladybird book and I can't tell you how much I love them. Isn't she a genius?
Peter and Jane always wrote their thank you notes
* It's called Composition, you should buy it. See link above
**ie. room with desk which I don't yet own / spare bed / shitload of unpacked boxes