Tuesday 10 July 2012

Ta-dah! Tuesday - How to remove glitter polish - without losing your mind

If you're a polish addict or regular reader of nail blogs then you'll know the secret already, but if you're just a casual user and only indulge on weekends - yeah yeah, you can give up any time you want  - you might want to read on. Glitter polish - a sparkling celebrity party the night before; the devil's own come down the morning after.

Seriously, you will be surrounded by drifts of cotton wool in your bathroom, crying with frustration and acetone fumes as you waste 45mins of your life trying to get the damn stuff off. The polish part dissolves, leaving the now colourless glitter seemingly attached to your nails with super-glue. [DO NOT be tempted to avoid nail polish remover altogether and pick it off in chunks using your teeth whilst watching Gossip Girl, men inexplicably seem to find this an unattractive trait. Also, it's not something you want to be ingesting].

Anyway, all you need is that same cotton wool and polish remover*, but you want to soak a separate piece for each nail.  Position each bit of cotton wool onto the nail, and then secure it with a strip of tinfoil folded into a parcel around your fingertip. Watch some telly for 10 minutes, and then remove the foil and cotton wool from your first nail, by firmly pressing down on the foil and twisting the cotton wool over the nail as you go. You'll find that the polish comes off pretty much entirely in one go, and any glitter left at the edges is no longer welded on, but can be simply wiped off.

The props department for 'Edwina Scissorhands' were working with a tight budget


Now you've got an extra half hour to play on the internet and ignore your offspring make the world a better place. Add your world enhancing links below. [and please don't forget to link back here]

Lakota x

*I use Cutex, from Boots or Superdrug.


  1. Top tips all round and you get to look like you're having a manicure in space and you don't have glitter in your poop. x

  2. I shall try that with my toes next time - robot toes here I come!!

  3. Genius! I have often avoided the glitter nail polished as I hate taking them off SO MUCH! Maybe I'll try again.

  4. Ooh what a marvelous tip! I am currently sporting red glitter nails and have been slightly concerned after the last time I tried to remove it that I'll be forced to resort to sanding the glitter off with power tools! This is a much simpler and less dangerous option :)

  5. Book marking this post for future useage!

  6. I'm impressed! But it did laugh! ;)

  7. Oh I love that it's so simple and works so well. Yay thank you for sharing such a great (silver) tip.
    Love v

  8. That's genius. You should be working for NASA or Google with your problem solving skills. But as I'm a lazy sod I fear I'll forever be rubbing away at my glittery nails with tatty bits of loo roll. But in front of Dexter, not GG, which has gone shit, don't you think? X

  9. What a fab idea, I even find some non-glitter nail polishes impossible to remove at times. Thanks for sharing this tip!
    Magie x

  10. You won!!That's make me want to try my 'circus confetti'nail polish again!!Even if I fear that in those 10 minutes something will happen to my kids and the glitter will stuck on me forever!!

  11. I shall pass this tip onto my daughters who are always doing nail type stuff, generally in my living room, near something I care deeply about it and while being shouted at by me to be careful. I expect to find twenty lumps of cotton wool and tin foil strewn round my bathroom after they try this out. Why throw your own rubbish in the bin when you have a perfectly good mummy to do it for you?
    Good tip, mrs. I don't know how you think of this stuff.

  12. I admire your dedication to the art of nail polish application (and removal) Lakota. My toes sometimes get a quick lick of paint, but that's about it I'm afraid.

  13. Ha ha, this is my favourite Ta'dah post yet! Especially the bit about 'making the world a better place' ;) x

  14. Great tip on the glitter polish! I will definitely be using this technique in the future!

  15. Clever! I never use glitter polish 'cos I'm so squeamish about getting it off. That Barry M counter's gonna be ransacked on Friday! x

  16. Thanks for the top tip, glitter polish is a bugger to remove. xxx

  17. You've solved the secret of the universe - I'm not kidding. I shall now resume wearing glitter nail polish!

  18. Genius. Sounds expensive though. Thats a lot of nail polish remover. Im kidding. Im linking up my Candyland theme baby shower to here. Thanks for your votes. I lost, but life goes on, Im still having a bebe in late August. Toodles dear friend.

  19. This is so cool Lakota!
    I always use glitter polish ,but I just paint over it if I am in a hurry to change colors.

  20. What a great little tip, it does drive me mad when the glitter just wont come off!

    Gems x

    Fashion, Well Done

  21. you told me about this and you're a genius! it really works!

  22. my ta-dah moment is that we got our toilet fixed today, we can now flush it WHENEVER WE WANT!! i decided not to blog about it tho... so am just letting you know here.

  23. Oh what a good idea! However, like Vix, I now avoid it because of previous traumatising experiences with getting it off!

  24. It is so clever! Thanks for sharing. :) Mine will be up later. :)

  25. clever! one of the few times i've ever worn nail varnish was on my wedding day. i had a last minute panic and thought what the eff am i wearing nail varnish for and promptly took it off. of course it was the glitter stuff. i was really peeved you could see this weird stuff stuck to my nails in the 'ring' photos. if only I'd known what i now know. ta L. x

  26. As a glitter nail polish virgin, I can't say I'll be using this tip any time soon. But who knows -- I may dip my toe into the glitter waters some time. Always enjoy reading your posts anyway and seeing everyone's ta-dahs.

  27. Hail Lakota, full of grace, I had GIVEN UP on life! Well, I had given up on glitter polish as it was so AWFUL to remove. But I shall once again embrace the glitter and sing your praises with every sparkle! Sarah xxx

  28. Thank you Lakota for bringin us closer together with the swap and now this.
    I tried to get the gadget,and do a link up, like yours to see is I got the Spaniards involved but I couldn´t get pictures, just the links. I wonder where I went wrong???

  29. hooray, Lakota to the rescue. I get so irritated with my post sparkle nails when i remove the polish and am left scratching off the glittery bits. yay, such a thrill from useful girly info like this. Thanks so much xox Penelope

  30. This is brilliant, and when I tell my daughter it is going to Change Her Life! Thank you so much! xxx

  31. That would probably work good for nail polish strips as well. Thanks for the tip!

  32. thankyou for this!...
    I've been using glitter nailpolish a lot recently and have been pulling my hair out because the damn thing wouldn't come off. now i can take off with no troubles!
    thanks again:D


  33. Men dont find that attractive?
    I wish I'd read this exactly two weeks ago, my nails are still recovering!!

  34. Wow you're a lifesaver! I've never even thought of doing it this way, definitely going to try this next time! I can't get why men don't find it attractive, very strange! XxxX http://thesecondhandrose.blogspot.co.uk

  35. I didn't know about this and it is now something I will surely be doing. Glitter polish IS a pain in the arse to remove!


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