Tuesday 26 February 2013

Ta-dah! Tuesday - Minute Make - Homemade Hot Fudge Sundae

Here's the second in my occasional series of quick desserts to make your children love you and your dentist despair, and take only minutes to prepare. This would also be a perfect pudding to treat your Mum for Mothers' Day, or better yet, to get the kids to make for you. They can do all the measuring of ingredients, scooping of ice-cream and sprinkling of toppings, leaving the hot bit to Daddy if they're too little to be trusted with the saucepan.

Ingredients - serves 4
1oz butter
4 tblsp soft brown sugar
2 tblsp golden syrup 
4 tblsp evaporated milk [I freeze the remainder in 2 tablespoon portions in an ice-cube tray, rather than waste the rest of the tin]

Vanilla ice-cream
Flaked or chopped almonds
Optional : 2 Cadbury's Fudge bars cut into slices. [The first ones I made had these, but we ate them before I got a good picture. Food photography is hard!]

  • Put the four ingredients for the sauce into a small pan over a low heat and stir for 5 minutes without letting it boil too madly. 
  • Scoop your ice-cream into glass dishes, pour over the fudge sauce and scatter over the fudge slices and chopped nuts.
  • That's it! I added a mini sparkler too, cos obviously desserts are improved by the addition of gunpowder.*

Ta-dah! **

Don't blame me when you can't do up your jeans any more. If you've been inspired to get creative, check out Waitrose's Making for Mum campaign for great ideas and the possibility of winning some fantastic prizes.

Link up any of your best makes, bakes, finds and outfits below.

Last week's recipe - Mini Spotted Dick

Lakota x

* If I need to warn you about not letting the kids light fireworks you probably shouldn't have any.
** Procreation not essential for the enjoyment of this pudding


  1. I may have to stop following you if you continue to post desserts like this. Kidding!!

    Too funny about eating the bits off the top before getting the photo. No doubt, food photos are difficult; ice cream ones even more so.

    I'm going to link up some artwork I did.

    Sue xo

  2. So so naughty, but my Mum would love that. She would eat it all and then say 'de-luscious!' And then probably ask if there was any more. I might go and get some ice-cream now. Your fault, obviously. xxx

  3. Mmmmmm...
    Going to show this to my kids and tell them they must make it for me. Yeah, I'm subtle like that.
    Linking up my Giant Pants. Just as well they are, if I'm on the puddings... xxxx

  4. Freeze left over evaporated milk? I just drink it out of the tin! *oh the shame*

  5. That looks beautiful. I've not had a ta dah in a while, need to get my act together. X

  6. That looks really nice, will have to convince the boys to make it for me!

  7. Any pud with fudge sauce gets my vote! I'd love it if the boys had a go at making this for me - think they might if I promise them a packet of mini sparklers..

  8. I'm not a sweet-tooth but I live in with house-rats who raid the cupboard at night and leave behind crumbs whenever I bake. So I haven't yet been able to build up my reputation at the school lunch benches as "her mum bakes the best cakes!" because the kids just get crackers and cheese. I am going to make this dessert and blow some bleedin' socks off! xoxo

  9. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!
    * If I need to warn you about not letting the kids light fireworks you probably shouldn't have any.
    - oh that's me out then!
    ** Procreation not essential for the enjoyment of this pudding
    Thank goodness for that! I was just about to be disappointed!x

  10. This reminds me of a wickedly sweet fudge sauce I used to make for ice cream when my children were little.

  11. Gunpowder - LOL! This just looks too good, but I have to give you a gigantic thanks for reminding me of Mothering Sunday. In the States, Mother's Day is in May, but we mustn't forget my mother-in-law in Britain. We'd never hear the end if we forgot Mothering Sunday!

  12. Ha ha, I'm going to have to judiciously ignore this recipe because I am currently trying to go cold turkey from chocolate and desserts. It's not easy I tell ya, there's temptation everywhere!

    Thanks for your comment. I live in Liverpool where the charity shops outside the city centre are quite reasonably priced. My sister lives in Shropshire so she has lots of little towns and villages with little old lady charity shops, so all in all I do quite well! xx

  13. No mum and no sweet tooth but am very impressed with your domestic skillz!
    You're right, you had seen dapper great-Granddad before. I have to recycle some of my relatives as some are too terrifying for the public! x

  14. oooh I love hot fudge sauce! thanks for the recipe, I might just make it for me, to sit and eat on my own

  15. YUM--the hubster will love this (he's the choco-fiend at our house)
    I bake all the time for others but have no interest in eating the stuff myself!

  16. Looks yummy! Your recipes make me want to get busy in the kitchen: as you say, no rest for the wicked...

  17. That looks so freakin' yummy! Gah.. I really fancy some chocolate now!! ~ ♥ ~

  18. Hi there! yummy, very easy and thanks for sharing, will definitely try this and with all the extra fudge too! xx

  19. Oooh, this sounds good. Another superquick choc sauce ... chop up a Mars Bar and pop in a bain marie with a couple of tablespoons of milk. Stir until melted and pour over ice cream!


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