Sunday, 18 March 2012

Can somebody please tell me...

Did you have to leave word verification for my most recent posts? I've never even pre-approved my comments - and HATE word verification so wouldn't inflict it on people who read my blog - but it appears to have randomly switched itself on, as well as counting page views made by me, when I'd previously set it not to.  I think it might be related to the changing of our country specific domain names - we're now here, rather than .com - which also meant the loss of all my followers other evening. Briefly, thankfully! Oh, and I can't quick edit anymore.

If you don't want to count your own page views or have word verification on, you might want to check your own settings. Can you comment on this post easily? Please let me know!

Lakota x


  1. Just checked mine - I don't think the word verification thing is switched on - like you I absolutely hate it.

  2. I haven't had the word verification window pop up when leaving a comment here. Like you, I lost all my followers and the pageview tracker resets itself, I have to switch it back off regularly.
    Word verification stops me from commenting on many blogs because I cannot see the letters when using my phone. It's a real drag, and I wish more people realised there's no need for it.

  3. Hello! I thought I'd lost some people from my Follow list (as in the ones I follow) but nothing else! I'll let you know if it asks me when I try to post this!

  4. No word verification! I've found that for some reason the word verification programs have become so hard to read that sometimes, I have to give up. They're absurd and sometimes not even real letters are shown. That said, I have them set on Ranch Dressing which is probably mean.

  5. verfication and stats fine but peeps had problems commenting so I wonder if that was my glitch

  6. No WV here - but it made me go and check mine and it was switched on...which is not something I dod as I HATE it - am so cross about that.

  7. No WV for me on this one hun - will now double check mine too xXx

  8. No WV here! How did you switch from to Does that mean your clock is now GMT instead of Pacific time cos that really winds me up. I've been trying to find a way to change it but there doesn't seem to be one

    1. Hi Lucy, blogger changed it automatically - yours is as well. As to changing the timestamp, you need to go to settings, language and formatting, then time zone.

      Thanks for checking the WV. It keeps reverting to 'YES' but I guess people aren't actually seeing it.

  9. Thanks for that checked my settings and WV was set as on!

  10. I wondered why my comments had gone to almost nil! :/ How annoying. Luckily my stats and followers still exist.

  11. thanks for the info! have turned mine off i think... hadn't noticed the either...what's that all about?x

  12. testing testing...

  13. Am seeing if I get asked for word verification

  14. Like you I loathe and detest word verification, especially now that you have to type in two words which are usually so blurry I'm guessing half the time. I got rid of mine very early on and I've never had a problem. Right, I'll hit publish and see how I go...if I don't get back to you assume I didn't get asked x

  15. Yes, word verification appeared on my blog too. I have disabled it. I am noticing bloggers are receiving less comments. I attribute this to too much time being spent typing in the lengthy verifications.

    My best to you for a great week


  16. No word verification was need to post the above comment
    Helen xx

  17. I've noticed it appearing on lots of blogs that never used to have it and it's that especially annoying double word combo that looks like names that didn't make it in to Hobbit.

  18. Didn't get asked this time.x

  19. Ha ha I like Ivy's comment! Ahem. I have my own domain name on blogspot & have so far avoided any problems... fingers crossed!

  20. As the others said, no word verification.

  21. I can comment easily.
    We all need to protest against the word verification crap!

  22. Hadn't noticed the thing before (but I'm a wordpress gal so me and blogger don't get on anyway!)

  23. I hadn't even noticed the address change!

  24. Oooh i havent checked mine, i bloody hate the ew WV - takes me an age to try and work out what it says! Scarlett x

  25. Mine did exactly the same to me. Luckily Vix told me and I was able to remove it. I hate them they tend to put most people off commenting.

    X x

  26. oh gosh! i just realized it too that the url of my blog has too! so far whenever i left comment on your blog, i've never been asked for word verification so i have no problem, i dont like word verification too and i have switch it off but i think i'm going to make sure again coz now blogger seems to be in a weird MODE and changing alot of things including the editor, urghh!

    x susan

  27. You've won the green giveaway! I'll be in touch.xx

  28. Hi, just reading the comments above regarding the clock on blogger ... I have mine set to GMT as I'm in the UK .... Should I have it on Pacific??? So confusing this blogging lark! Jules x


Thanks for your comment - it's no fun unless I know what you think!

If you ask a question others might want answering too I'll reply here in the comments - if it's personal, I'll reply directly by email if you're set up.