
Tuesday 24 January 2012

One year anniversary and retrospective

Hello. Why thank you, yes, I have had my hair done. I thought I should make an effort, what with it being the first anniversary of Faith Hope and Charity Shopping. Whoop! [Ok, actually it was a few days ago, and I'd written most of this post, and then got so distracted by joining Goodreads, and er, reading actual books, that I forgot. But for the purposes of this narrative, it's today!]

Yup, a whole year and a bit since I started this blog, and the only New Year's resolution which I actually stuck to in 2011. Obviously I'm speaking for myself here, but from my point of view it was definitely one worth keeping. The last year has got me firmly back into regular writing, not to mention getting to know so many fantastic, funny and talented bloggers. [Too many to mention individually, but a lot of them are on my sidebar]. If you've been here from the beginning you'll know it's changed a little from the early days of posting where I just chatted about my second hand buys, but I couldn't resist letting a teeny bit of snark in, once I got more comfortable. Tongue is always firmly in cheek though, and of course there'll always a place for talking about charity shop treasure.

You might also have noticed that it takes me a little while to get around to things, but there is a bit of method in my madness as a terminal procrastinator. The lovely Erica Louise of Recycled Fashion challenged me to answer these questions about my blog back in August (oops), but I like to wait for an opportune moment, and now seems like a good time to do a little retrospective of the past 12 months. 

The most beautiful post
Not really my strong suit. I do try but my photographs are far from Etsy-fied. I don't really edit them and you'll rarely see an artfully draped doily or tower of soft focus pastel macaroons on this blog. Sorry. There's some good London street art on this post though. Oh, and I'm still in love with the earring display case I made, which looks beautiful in my bedroom.

The most popular post
Okaay, well this one isn't going to be a big surprise. According to my extremely scientific analysis of my stats, the post with the all time highest page views would be...drumroll...the second Magic and Madness of eBay post, I like big butts! Admittedly I didn't realise when I wrote about eBay sellers who claimed to be able to deliver the body beautiful by sorcery quite how many people would find the post. And just how many of them would be typing with one hand. Aah, 'Booty'. It's the magic word for page hits. Work it in there somewhere! 

But alright, whilst I really love that post, I admit it garnered most of the page hits from random admirers of the female form, not from regular readers. So, second to that in page views - but with many many more comments, was the post I wrote on Mollie Makes magazine, and its overwhelming tweeness editorial obsession with fake food.

The most controversial post
Hmm, see above! I actually got a comment from the editor of Mollie Makes on that post, which was pretty exciting. Otherwise maybe the post I wrote about finding a Galliano dress, not long after he was convicted of racial abuse.

The most helpful post
Er, not sure about this one. Obviously if you'd been thinking about giving all your money to a charlatan with an  paypal account then maybe I'd have been of some assistance with the eBay posts. Or if you had a ton of wild plums and no idea what to do with them then the homemade vodka post might have been your saviour. I'm not sure I'm massively helpful otherwise. Hopefully I've given you a laugh occasionally.

The post that was surprisingly successful
The Faith Hope and Charity swapping posts, definitely. I didn't really realise quite how popular the idea of swapping was in blog land, despite having seen them advertised elsewhere. I expected a handful of responses from regular commenters, so I was amazed at how many people wanted to take part.

The post that did not get the attention it deserved
Probably this one. Who doesn't want a genie to create them a clone? I know I do.

The post that I am most proud of
I don't want to play favourites - they're ALL my babies! - but maybe Memento Mori. Art, death and the cross-dressing Edwardian childhood of my Great-Grandad George.

Anyway, if you've got this far, thanks for humouring me. Whether you're a long time reader or a new follower I'm really glad you're here. [And if you're new, say hi]. I'll be doing a giveaway or two soon, it's been too long and this seems like as good a reason as any. And consider yourself tagged, if you want to answer these questions yourself.

Lakota x


  1. Congratulations - love reading your blog and hope there's much more to come!
    Happy Blogiversary xxx

  2. Many Happy returns Lakota, here's to another good year ahead xox

  3. A whole year (and a bit!) - well done you! I think it's great how blogs evolve, usually displaying increasing confidence and revealing more of the writer's true nature as they progress (snark, in your case! A fine word!)
    Your posts are always entertaining, often hilarious, and you definitely need to keep going, you have a great blog here! xxxxx

  4. Happy One Year! I absolutely look forward to your blog posts - and your sarcasm - and hope that you'll blog for at least fifty more years. Then again, I wonder if blogging will be hip in 2062? Or will everyone just be able to read each others' minds by then? I've been meaning to talk to you about your lack of towers of soft focus pastel macaroons (ha!) but alas, I think they're finally out of style. I hope.

  5. Congrats on the first blogging anniversary. If you keep on writing, I'll keep on reading :-)

  6. Happy bloggiversary! Thank you for the entertaining reads.
    Love from Mum

  7. I think I was your 5th follower. Anyway I have thoroughly enjoyed the blogs and one that definitely stayed with me was the Galliano dress post and all the interesting and varied comments it evoked. You have delighted me, amazed me and amused me. Lots of love.

  8. Yay Happy Blogversary!! You've reminded me that its mine coming up soon too. So glad i found your blog near the start and of course starting cyber stalking you ;o) Wouldnt have you any other way Lakota, the more tounge in cheek the better in my book. You are Fabulous :o) Scarlett x

  9. A fairly recent follower, I am going to go check these out. M x

  10. hurray! happy blogiversary. i love reading itx

  11. A huge Congrats on your one year blogging anniversary!! I always enjoy reading your posts and look forward to reading all your future ones :)

  12. congrats lakota, a love a blog that make me laugh every single time, and I dont think I'll ever be able to erase that mental image of lennys bum x

  13. Congrats! I love your blog... you make me laugh lots.xxxx

  14. Aah blogs - what did we do before them? :)

    Congrats - one year in blog land is an achievement...hope you stick around for more - it's huge fun to visit here.

  15. Happy anniversary - great blog!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  16. WHOOT WHOOT!!! Happy blogger-versaire!!

  17. Happy Blogeversary and congratulations on one year!!!

  18. Happy 1 Year! I'm looking forward to year 2!

  19. woo Happy Blogday. I haven't written enough yet to answer so many questions. Greedily looking forward to these giveaways

  20. Happy blogday Mrs Lakota! You are by far the funniest blogger I read and I love your hilarious Ebay posts!

  21. Happy bloggy birthday!! You always put a smile on my face with your clever witty remarks. xx

  22. Happy one year! Oh "Momento Mori", I think of that post often. I think I had just started reading your blog when you had that post. Post-mortem photos was a recent conversation I had with my mom when she saw some photos while watching American Pickers. She wondered why people would take pictures of their kids after they died, I explained, then I mentioned your post on how a deceased child was memorialized by cross dressing her twin brother. So sad.

    Happy 1 year once again. I look forward to reading many more post. :-)

  23. Congrats on the Blogiversary, Lakota!

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  24. Happy happy blog birthday!!!!
    It's amazing when you look back after a year.
    Yay to another year.

  25. Ah thanks for answering those tagged questions ! Congrats once again on your first year of blog-venture, may there be many years of fun Lakota blogging to come..

  26. Happy blog anniversary.
    I absolutely agree with you.
    It takes no time at all to delete spam.
    I only had to spam cases in a year and a Half.

  27. Happy blogiversary, and hurrah for reading real books! I just finished one about Victorian London which was totally fascinating, and makes me very glad to live in the time I do. What is your name on Goodreads? I must find you so I can have a snoop at your reading matter! x

  28. Woohoo! Happy 1st Blogaversary!! i must say all of your posts are popular and i really love what you write and the pics are just super funny and awesome! here's to many more anniversaries!

    xx susan

  29. Hi Lakota, happy 1st blogaversary. Love your blog! Love you! My favourite post has to be the Mollie Makes one. Legend! xx

  30. Congratulations on Year One Lakota, Queen of the pithy photo caption and investigative reporting. We followers never know what direction your fertile mind may take us - charity shop gold, London riots or how to make a pasta angel. I loved reading about them all.

  31. Happy bloggerversary, dear Lakota! I didn't realize your blog was a wee lil' baby. Your voice sounds so strongly established, I had thought you'd been going at it for a while! One of the things I love about FHC besides your love for vintage and thrift shopping is that strong heady voice of yours- and yeah, I think I laughed until I cried at the Big Butt post. Here's to many more years of putting yourself out there, online and being lovable. xo Bella Q

  32. Fab post, I must admit I only stumbled accross your blog by chance, and I was instantly drawn in by your sharp wit. I always enjoy reading about your goings on and the fact you love charity shops makes it all the more wonderful xxx

  33. Happy 1 year!!
    * Throw's confetti all around *

  34. Happy Blogaversary! Loved clicking the links and revisiting old posts. Coffee in sarcasm out is going to be my motto for the morning. Poor hubby.
    Can't wait to see what your next year brings.

  35. Congrats mamasita! The swap was a great success. I would have never thought of organizing such a great event. Youre gthe bomb and we love your snark. Happy anniversary.

  36. Congratulations on your first year! I only just discovered your blog today, and I'm LOVING it. The ebay posts especially, are fantastic!

  37. Happy happy joy joy!! I have enjoyed getting to know you and your sarcasm over the last year, you my kinda peeps! I look forward to much much more!

  38. Happy blog Birthday Lakota! And here's to many more! I love reading your blog, and your wonderfully dry sense of humour! And I loved your swap, and make a great online friend in Mama Syder - thanks so much!

  39. Congrats amor!
    Love your jerk sarcasam,my fave post are the big butts,vampire, and creepy dolls was the best.

  40. happy blog birthday! I think you're doing so well in this bloggy world. You're funny and have such a fabulous style of writing. Really entertaining and inspiring. The big butts ebay post was hilarious.


  41. It's been a fun year! And I absolutely love how your writing style has evolved Lakota, always a good read :)

  42. Happy Birthday!!! I love reading your fabulous posts!
    P.s Thanks for the Headsup on Goodreads it sounds right up my street will have to check it out!x

  43. Happy blog birthday! You're one of my faves for humour and second handery. Keep up the good work!

    Danni x

  44. Happy Blog-aversary! Can't believe you're only one! Looking forward to reading you for many more years to come. x

  45. Happy Birthday and congratulations on your blogaversairy. Have loved reading your posts which really make me laugh!

  46. Happy Blogiversary!!


Thanks for your comment - it's no fun unless I know what you think!

If you ask a question others might want answering too I'll reply here in the comments - if it's personal, I'll reply directly by email if you're set up.