
Friday 1 March 2013

Well you did ask for more pictures of me...

Happy St David's Day!

Here I am, aged around 4 (so 1981 or thereabouts), wearing my traditional Welsh costume and avoiding looking at the camera. Some things don't change. Look at the shelf groaning with booze behind me. [That hasn't changed either].
I was reminded of this picture by seeing photos on Facebook of my friend's little girl and her class, all dressed up back home and looking super cute. It was always fun, but a less practical outfit for primary school is hard to think of - those shawls impede your arms rather. The boys would generally just come in with a leek attached to them somewhere, which someone would invariably attempt to eat raw and then breathe all over you. Happy days...

Of course, had I not escaped Wales for London, I'd now look like this:

'Salem' by Sydney Curnow Vosper 

It's true. Just look at Sian and Lucy ;-)

Can you see Satan's face? If you spot it straight away you're supposed to have the Devil in you. A print of this painting was given away with Sunlight soap, and it hung in my neighbour's house when I was a child. I was always fascinated by it, although it's very dour, even without demonic influence.

Have a lovely weekend!

Lakota x

Welsh cakes recipe


  1. You little sweetie! There's a Welsh bonnet in Second To None, shall I get it for you if it's still there? You look adorable.
    My Grandma had Salem framed and on the wall. She loved to going church in her finery and found it hilarious! xxx

  2. Happy St.Davids day Lakota, such a sweet photo of you in your bonnet. The shelf og booze made me laugh! :o) xox Penelope

  3. Hi my dear! Happy St Davids day you look a real cutie here! Phew, I'm pleased to report that I have no devil in me (haha!), still can't see Satans face and have tried looking at Salem a few times! Have a great weekend! xxx

  4. Aw, how cute. I have a compact with a Welsh lady on the lid, perhaps I should be using it today. Happy St. David's day. X

  5. Cutie pie! A future Cover Girl if ever I saw one!
    Love the Shelf of Booze behind you too.
    I can see Satan. Woo hoo, I'm just a Devil Woman!
    Happy St. David's Day, wish I was stuffing my face with warm Welsh cakes hot off the griddle right now! xxxxxx

  6. haha! i do like shawls....
    you look very cute as a little welsh lady by the way.x

  7. Sorry, can't see him! Now is that good or just boring!
    Love from Mum

  8. What a cutie! We always dressed up in national costume on St Davids Day. Those hats never stayed on properly and by the last verse of the Nation Anthem, mine was always down my back!!I've fed my face with Welsh cakes this afternoon.

    Yes...I can see Satan. Wasn't she supposed to be being shunned for having a fancy shawl or something? My gran had a print in the kitchen for years.

  9. What an adorable picture! Happy St. David's day, I wish I were stuffing my face with Welsh cakes today (I would make a batch but have plans that interfere.) Yep saw the devil before I noticed the rest. But I know I've got the devil in me muahahaha!! XXX

  10. I don't want to gush, but that photo of you is adorable! I love it.

    I can't see Satan. That either means I'm a goodie goodie two shoes or my elderly eyes are failing me. I think I know which one it is.

    Happy Saint David's Day! xx

  11. I grew up in Bristol where there are a lot of Welsh people (Wales is only 'over the bridge' from here). When I was in junior school a lot of children of Welsh parentage used to arrive in full Welsh national dress on St David's Day. I was always most envious of them and found it very unfair that being English we didn't have a national costume to wear on St George's Day - I think we just used to wear our Girl Guide or Scouts' uniform instead!!

  12. At first I thought you were just being mean about the old lady but try as I might I can't see Satan's face! Hooray - I must be pure as the driven snow x Jane (give us a clue!)

  13. I think I can see it if he is lacking a nose...?
    You look very cute! Do you have a welsh accent? x

  14. When my parents took us on holiday to Aberystwyth I used to covet Welsh dollies in shop windows that looked just like this, except you are even cuter!!

    PS The devil picture has just kept me well amused for the last ten minutes.

  15. I love seeing traditions being kept going. You are very sweet in your little costume

  16. Ermmm...I can see two, whoopdedoo...guess I'm in trouble! :)

  17. I once played a Salem witch in a school production of Arthur Miller's 'The Crucible'; I didn't look anything like that!

  18. What a darling picture - you were such a cutie! I should post my version in a Danish costume. I already scanned it to show some friends on Facebook how unevenly my mother cut my fringe.

    I did not see Satan in that picture, unless you mean the prim and humorless old crone.

  19. I can't see Satan's face unless it's that swirl on the right that looks a bit like an elephant to me, maybe I just need my eyes tested. You look very cute in your Welsh costume Lakota. I grew up in a town next to north Wales so we used to have lots of days out and holidays there, it's a lovely place. I remember us drinking water out of a stream at Mount Snowdon, then further upstream we saw a dead sheep lying in the water, yuck. xx

  20. you were a sweet young Welsh Lady, and if you looked like that print now at least you would have a fabulous shawl!!!
    Hope you had an enjoyable St.D's day

  21. Ah you are a clever one but baby pictures don't count, although this one is mighty sweet! I can't see the devil and this has me fuming;). Have a great weekend!

  22. How cute are you!

    I can see him, I can see him! I can't really. Poo.

  23. Is he in the window? Pic very cute!

  24. I can't seem him either! You have to tell me where he is now or that will bug me for days x

  25. Well aren't you super cute. I think all us bloggers are angelic as none of us can see the devil - you may have to do a reveal for Ta-dah! Tuesday! Xo

  26. I can't see Satan even after googling to find out where it's meant to be - I must be a SAINT! What a cutie you are! xx

  27. I googled the location of Satan too...but even so couldn't see him. Like Lucy, I must be a complete saint. Yeah, right...

  28. You look so dainty and sweet. I dug my photo out only to discover I looked like a pig in clothes, talk about ten pound turkey in a two pound bag! They did make those costumes small.
    The boys definitely get a better deal these days, just a rugby shirt and jeans. A couple did have Dai caps, waistcoat and a miner's lamp though (for the local paper photo).

    Your parents must have been posh having wines and spirits on display in March. A few cans of Carling or Strongbow in the fridge was our lot!

  29. Ah so cute! I love that Welsh children still dress up on St David's day.

    Also Welsh cakes, yummmm

  30. I don't see him either, but I really need new made an adorable little welsh girl - I didn't know there was a "St. David's Day".

  31. damn it!! I don't see him, not only an a 1/4 Welsh but I'm 100% EVIL. I have a photo of an old aunt somewhere, she's not dressed in the traditional clothes but she's got that face alright. You look adorable!! I would've loved to have worn any kind of costume for a day at school.

  32. Happy belated St David's Day. All of my family are Welsh and I have a dollyd from my Grandma dressed in exactly the same outfit as yours sat on the window sill next to me. Thanks for sharing the Welsh Cake recipe, I have had those for years, my Grandma used to make the best.

  33. TIDY! You look smashing in your lovely little outfit. I would have picked you for a pilgrim, but there you go, I am nothing if not an ignorant colonial. I cannot see the devil - is it really there or is this one of your 'tests'? A public flogging for me then? Oh, alright...

  34. Oh come oOOOOOOooooooon - how am I supposed to recognise Satan's face? I'm looking but I can't see it, but maybe I can see it but I don't know I'm looking at it? Anyway, let's just take it for granted that I have the Devil in me and Miss Twinkle absolutely does NOT - nobody that cute and wearing a shawl could!!! xoxoxoo


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