
Tuesday 5 March 2013

Ta-dah! Tuesday - Minute Make Puddings - Banana Pancakes

Hiya, here's the third in my mini-series of ultra quick puddings you can make at the last second when you've been on the internet all day. The other really good thing about it is that it's another one of those recipes that uses up that squishy banana that's been languishing in the fruit bowl since the beginning of time. Seriously, you can even use that one with fruit flies circling it like vultures. The one that's completely black and scarcely recognisable as as a food stuff. [Yeah, it's amazing I wasn't picked up to write for the Waitrose magazine isn't it?] In the interest of full disclosure, I don't even like bananas in their regular guise - and only eat them in something. For example - milk, yeeuch. Banana, bleugh. Banana milkshake?  Lovely. Yes, I know. I'm complex. Anyway:

Ingredients (makes around 8 when using a large banana)
1 banana
1 oz sugar
2 oz plain flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 egg, beaten

Making the batter

  • Mash the banana with a fork
  • Add the sugar, flour and baking powder and mix together.
  • Finally add the beaten egg. You'll end up with a gloopy batter.

  • Heat sufficient vegetable oil for shallow frying in a small pan, you don't need loads though.
  • Drop in two dessert spoons of batter per pancake and cook for around 30 seconds - you'll see bubbles start to form around the edges.

  • Test with the edge of a spatula and see if they're ready to flip over. They'll puff up a little and be browned on both sides when done. 
The one on the right wasn't quite cooked enough to flip and went splat. It doesn't really matter though, it'll still taste good.

  • Drain briefly on kitchen towel and then sprinkle with sugar. Try to at least return to the table before stuffing them in your mouth.

In the unlikely event you have any left over, they're also good cold for the kids' lunchboxes.

Minutes, I'm telling you.

When I have more time and baking inclination, I usually use up squishy bananas in a banana walnut loaf, but I recently saw Alex's post with the recipe for Banana Gingerbread Loaf, which also sounds delish.

What have you been up to? Link up as usual below.

Lakota x

PS. Those of you who were flummoxed as to the whereabouts of the devil in my last post - you need to look at her shawl. The fringe forms his beard and you can see his mouth in one of the creases and an eye made of blue paisley. Admittedly it looks more like Big Ears (from Noddy) than Satan to me, but hey - that's how the story goes and who am I to question it?


  1. Actually look quite nice - will give them a try because right at this moment there is one of those "special" bananas in my fruit bowl!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  2. Nice!!!! Also v useful as some bananas always go uneaten and go squishy. Always. I think they sneak a spare one into the bowl in the night when you think you ate them all.

  3. I just love baking with an-almost-composted banana because then the kids never know - actually I think I just love the sneaky factor more. I'm a terrible person, always trying to get them to eat things they hate by hiding them in something "yummy". xoxo

  4. i was mad for walnut and banana bread when i was preggers, hot with butter soaked through it, drool, and love banana and bacon on pancakes. think i might have to try these babies x

  5. Someone suggested these to me this year for pancake day as I didn't have any eggs, and I'd never thought of them before, but I really really want to try them now. Not that I have any bananas in, but still.

  6. I love bananas, and I love pancakes. Must try this out,

  7. Great pud series, very useful! My eldest is like you - he hates bananas but weirdly loves them in things, so these pancakes should be perfect! x

  8. What's caught my eye is that Grindley Ware plate you've got your pancakes sitting on Lakota. Anth and I had that same pattern on our very first op-shopped dinner set. Seeing it has brought back lots of memories (like Baked Beans which is all we could afford to eat most of the time as we were poor students) I can't wait to show him this in the morning. I wonder what we did with it...
    Thank you x

  9. They look delish and it's probably a good way of getting bananas into a non banana eating child! x

  10. darn it, now I want banana pancakes.

  11. Even sweet-hating me would eat banana pancakes - but they'd have to be on a plain white plate, can't be doing with patterned crockery - that's my weirdness coming out! x

  12. Yum! That looks sinfully delicious!

  13. I always used to make banana loaf for the kids' lunchboxes or for picnics when the bananas reached that stage. This looks like a good alternative though; my grandchildren love pancakes.

  14. Wow, those look so good. I'm going to pass them on to my true love who's the pancake maker of the house. Can't wait to see what happens.

    1. Hey, just wanted to let you know, he made them that very evening! Actually picking the just tossed blackened bananas out of the garbage to make your recipe since you described the ingredients so specifically. They were delish - like cookies! Of course, we did have to translate from imperial to whatever it's called, American? measurements. Thanks Lakota. Don't think we'll try the suet ones though...

    2. Hahaha, it's not ESSENTIAL that they're virtually fit to chuck! Glad they worked well xx

  15. This sounds right up my street. Usually I use the old bananas up in a loaf same as you, but this is quicker, and therefore better!

    Unbelievable, they've missed a trick there, Waitrose. xx

  16. I'm glad you told me where to find the devil, I was going cross eyed looking.
    The banana pancakes sound good. You are quite the pudding cook. We don't eat many puddings, but I shall know where to look when I need a recipe.

  17. YUM YUM YUM!!! I wonder if these freeze well??

  18. As a lover of bananas, the spottier the better, I can't wait to try these!!!

  19. Waitrose have been on the phone, they want you - NOW!
    The pancakes sound great. My kids love it when I can be arsed to do Scotch pancakes. And we never eat all the bananas before they go mushy. Sometimes I think I buy fruit for display purposes only...
    PS. PTA = Painful Tedium with Arseholes. Apart from me, and you, and Lucy, of course. xxxx

  20. Thank you for revealing where the devil was...that's been bugging me!

  21. Alas, I am the opposite of you- I can only eat bananas in banana form (green preferably!) but these DO look scrummy!x

  22. These look so tasty and EASY the two main requirements for me to attempt. I have one old banana on the counter now, this might be breakfast maƱana. You Moms just know stuff huh :)

  23. Another yummy post. I may have to dig out the cast iron skillet to try these out. And yes you are complex my friend. I really enjoy your writing style.

    Thanks for hosting Ta-Dah! Tuesday,

    Sue xo

  24. Looks delicious!!

  25. I've never had banana pancakes before but they look delicious!

  26. These look well easy! Must try

  27. Now those do look and sound delicious ;-) dee x

  28. they look sooooo good.... mmmm, with butter on them.... damn you!


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