
Tuesday 18 September 2012

Ta-dah! Tuesday - the Blogland approved edition

Golly, there's some sensitive types out there. You post one bizarre hiking jacket covered in genitalia and follower numbers go up and down faster than a whor..well, best not say, don't want to scare anyone else off. Anyway, fear not, sadly no penises [penii?] today, instead the blogland approved method of giving yourself repetitive strain injury, and the reason my hands currently resemble gnarled claws. Yup, crochet. 

You may remember I had grandiose hopes of actually achieving stuff this year, one of which was making a blanket. Hollow laugh. I think a cushion may have been a teensy bit more realistic a goal - start small eh? Anyway, I made this for Boy1's bedroom, working out all the boring stuff like how to actually join squares as I went along. It came out ok for a first attempt I think. I'm sure he'll be utterly thrilled with it, seven year old boys being after all renowned for their overwhelming excitement over granny crafts.

Smug bear says: she hasn't joined the bottom yet you know. It's held together with safety pins

Who else has done something productive with their time this week? Step up!

Lakota x

PS. Granny squares too boring? Remember the crocheted scene from The Exorcist I linked to ages ago?


  1. You've done amazingly well!! The cushion looks awesome!!! All I've done this week is bought stuff, sold stuff, and cleaned usual!!

  2. That looks fabulous! I've attempted crochet on countless occasions over the last 45 years and failed dismally so I'm awe of your creation.
    Have I done something productive with my time this week other than hang out with Krista, climb a mountain and consume my body weight in alcohol and spicy food? Of course! Never a dull moment here! x

  3. I'm impressed by your crocheting ability! I can't crochet, at all, full stop, tried once, failed. I hope Boy1 appreciates your handy granny work :)

  4. I don't crochet. But if I did, I would crochet something non-blog-approved. Crochet willies. Hehehehehehe.

  5. Ooh, I missed your male front bottom post Lakota! Popped back to check it out - please tell me you didn't really lose a follower over that?!
    Great cushion, I'm very proud and impressed by your efforts with the hook. Def beats my wonky chain stitch!

  6. Oh, how I love you and your hilarity! That jacket is just genius and who can fail to respect that? Mad.

    Also, can't Adam and EVE you crocheted that. You, yourself, are a genius too.

  7. Er, I think coving is more boring. But it makes me incredibly proud! I hope you are equally proud of your crochet!

  8. Speaking as someone who has incredibly gnarled hands due to crochet that's a fab effort. I am in the middle of a vast crochet project 100 granny squares in (approx half way) and I'm flagging!

  9. Well done! Crochet is hard on the hands, especially when you are determined to finish! At last I've got something to "ta da" about this week!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  10. I'm bad enough at knitting - I reckon crochet would finish me off!

    Also, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA at that jacket!! I'm buying you the scarf for Christmas. You know you'll love it.

    I shall link up to my fancy dress post. Still v. proud of my costume :D

  11. That's ace and my 6 year old would overlook the granny chic and love it simply because it's BLUE!!

    Amidst all this hilarity (you do make me chuckle m'dear!) we've overlooked one amazing fact and no mean feat: you've learned to crochet!!! That's bloody brilliant, well done you (no wonder you went AWOL for a bit) x

    PS Have finally linked up with Ta-dah Tuesday!!!

  12. Not only can I not crochet (I've tried!!), but it seems I just cannot do the dishes either!! You've done a splendid job on the wee lad's cushie, meanwhile, I couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery. xo

  13. what I completely missed the scandal hehehe ....see what happens when your kids are sick and your knee deep in laundry and disinfecting you miss out on all the fun stuff! Love your pillow you did a great job on it! I have a pattern for crocheting some simple slippers that I really want to try and figure out :) have a great week - love Heather

  14. Hurrah at learning to crochet - I do hope that boy deep down appreciates your efforts. Be warned though he'll end up like my teens - laughing at me hooking away and referring to me as granny (only in name for a long while I hope!!).

  15. Hmmm the only productive stuff I have done in the past couple of days is SHOP!! *lol* I love your cushion, great colors!

  16. The most productive thing I have done this week is throw my wool & crochet hook across the room in frustration! I am ooooober jealous of your cushion cover.

  17. Love it Sarah - so fantastic to see your latest crochet creation... surely your own interpretation of the excorist film will come flying off your hook next!

  18. I love the crochet cushion - it looks fab! I can only crochet a little and I have to keep watching videos online to remind me how. I've always wanted one of those granny blankets and I have a lot of wool kicking about, so maybe I should get on with it.

    Nikki x

    PS Smug bear is a grass!

  19. Lovely crochet! I've been giving myself wrist strain too...crocheting lots of stuff for a craft fair at the weekend!

  20. The pillow looks great! I've tried to knit and crochet and I blow! I am your newest GFC follower and I linked up with my how to hand wash clothing expose :)

  21. Very impressive! I'm hoping to learn how to crochet- I bought the first edition of that new magazine! I linked but sadly not with a make! x

  22. I love this pillow! I am utterly useless when it comes to sewing anything, I envy your commitment to get er done. Ii have been trying to keep my head above water at work, can this week just be over already:)

  23. The cushion is lovely! I lost TWO followers after yesterday's post - I guess they couldn't handle my hair awesomeness! Sarah xxx

  24. I think you did a great job on the granny's cushion cover, Lakota! i fear that i may have forgotten how to crochet as i've been gone on a holiday abit too long :) gotta learn again and join in the ta-dah tuesday next week!

    forgot to say thank you for hosting the jubilee swap! it was a great fun!!

    x susan

  25. Shall I post the penis jacket and see what happens? Well done on the crochet , it looks fab!

  26. I love it, well done! I've just picked up hand knitting, and love it. Although, I cannot believe it took me this long to actually learn. It seems I need to get back on the sewing wagon once more. lol. Happy weekend!

  27. That bear needs a swifting knocking off the chair for singing like a canary over your not having finished sewing up the edges. Readers having a hissy fit over a penis-covered jacket? I guess the ability to laugh doesn't guarantee a sense of humour. (Rich Hall said that, but I'm all over it.)Hugs for a fab weekend Em ♥

  28. Well done! I trust your next crochet project will be a jaunty penis, you could really have fun with the choice of colours, and lose a load more po-faced followers in the process! xxx

  29. I really like that - beautiful colours!

  30. Seriously you need your own Huff-Po column.

    I always wished I did something to Ta-Dah about. On time.

  31. I have nothing to show except a newborn baby. Tah-dah! I hemorrhaged and lived to tell about it! But I did backtrack to see the penis jacket which I did find way classy btw. ITs not like it was a penis jacket with spikes and studs. It was very subdued.

  32. Wow - learning to crochet is one of those things that I would love to do but never find the time to actually do it! That cushion covered turned out pretty great for a first attempt.. far better than if I had tried it that's fore sure! BTW I'm LOVING your stud nails!!! ~♥~

  33. currently crying with laughter. But fabulous cushion and I hope the boy was pleased - he'll probably surprise you - I made a cushion for my son in the past thinking it would barely rate a raised eyebrow, and he utterly loves it still, sleeps with it all the time and often asks me to make him other stuff. Which I don't coz I'm slack and lazy, but it does feel good to be asked. Especially by an 8 year old boy who is currently refusing to kiss goodbye at the school gates. And breaking his mama's heart as he does.


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