
Monday 12 September 2011

If I was a rich girl... How to make a £20 bangle

I decided to make this bangle as a statement about the vacuous trappings of wealth and celebrity versus the ever-shrinking disposable income of regular folk. Or was I condemning society's rapacious consumerism  with reference to disposable fast fashion accessories? Hmm, it might just have been that I fancied some new jewellery and had these cool disposable paper napkins. But the former sound a bit more 'St Martin's graduate'* so in honour of London Fashion Week and its fashion speak lets go with one of those.

You'll need:
  • a cheapo wooden (or plastic) bangle
  • mod-podge or other glue suitable for decoupage
  • serviettes printed with mock bank notes** - you can find these on ebay
  • A bristle paint brush
Cut the serviette into the individual notes and trim the white edges. They're 3 ply napkins and I pulled the back unprinted sheet off, but to be honest once gluey they became very flimsy so if I did it again I'd leave them whole. If you want more of a collaged look then cut the notes into strips. I used whole notes round the width of the bangle, then used strips to cover the inside and any parts which needed patching. 

Mod-podge the bangle rather than the serviette pieces,  then lay them on as carefully as you can, smoothing out as many ridges and bubbles as possible. When you've covered the bangle completely, do another coat of glue over the top and leave to dry for at least an hour. A further two or three coats of glue - again letting it dry properly between applications - should protect it sufficiently to be worn.

Ta-dah! You're so money, baby!

Two pints and a bag of salt n' vinegar please

Lakota x

* I'm so not. You could at least pretend to be surprised at this revelation
**If you want to get all art terrorist / The KLF about it you could use real money, but I'd recommend the napkins.

Linking up to:
Recycled Fashion


  1. Oh god I forgot ALL about The KLF and their money burning ceremony!!!
    This bangle is absolutely brilliant and my village shop sells tissues (not serviettes) in the bank notes....would they be as good do you think?
    SO clever, now I urge you to produce more unique pieces.
    Let me know re the tissues!

  2. I hope nobody tries to steal it from your wrist!
    I may try this, or something similar, but maybe fiver napkins. I can't remember the artists but I saw them on tv defacing the queen, people were queuing up to give them notes.
    You have some very inspired ideas Lakota!

  3. Lakota, you could definitely elbow your way in there on the motivations behind your concept, design and execution, the creative processes and the organic way in which the project developed. Any St Martin's graduate would be proud :-P

    Brilliant bangle!!

    Jem xXx

  4. Fantastic! Looks great - fab idea!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  5. what an awesome idea! Would totally get robbed off your wrist in my town on a saturday ;o) Scarlett x

  6. These would make great stocking fillers for the 'hip young chicks' of our family xx

  7. Love this Lakota....the possibilites are endless,thanks for sharing,I'm gunner be laden down with bangles :)

  8. Genius Lakota! Love it!!!!! I want those napkins! I have a manky old chipped, painted wooden bangle I just put in the 'cull' bag- I shall now rescue it and see if I can give it a makeover!

  9. What a fabulous creation...I actually thought you had used real notes at first!
    Love the Rich Girl song by Gwen Stefani also :) xxx

  10. I love it! I did some with crossword puzzles and called them 'puzzled' - which I often am! lol!

  11. Looks fab!! I wonder how it would look in our coloured aussie notes.

    E :)

  12. This is fab, wow you could use this idea for lots of things, newspaper, pages from old books.... interesting....

  13. Cool! I wonder if you left your bangle on the ground how long it would take for someone to come along and try to dismantle it?! Heh!

  14. absolutely loving it, Lakota! what a great idea, ur genius! as i'm one of those the ever-shrinking disposable income of regular folk, i think i need a boost and the bangle is just awesome! i'm going to scour the charity shop for cheap bangles and make it like a £20 bangles hehehe...awesome! xx susan

  15. That is totally genius and a great chunky size, too. I'd love to try it with some 1970s playboy mags and have some cheeky naked ladies on my arm. x

  16. First of all I love your statement, whatver it is.

    Secondly, why should I be surprised that you can get money style serviettes on ebay - of course you can!

    Thirdly, what the 'eck is Modge Podge - I'm so not down with the crafters' code. Perhaps I should go and worship at the altar of Hobby craft more.

    Ace post, as always love!

  17. so cute! You always have the brightest ideas. Makes me want to sing "money money money!"


  18. how strange, was looking at this last night, never heard of these serviette thingys, but this morning, in the post my mum had sent one with £10s printed on to my husband as a joke !

  19. I saw some napkins like this in a £1 shop and wondered what one could possibly do with them, well you've answered my question, great make! x

  20. they have paper tissues like bank notes in The Works this week for 99p

  21. What a good idea, you ARE clever!
    I like the fact you could do it with any illustrated paper, and take your pick of images. Could you use wrapping paper or would that be too thick?

  22. I think you've got all the sub-meanings of your statement DIY covered here - you are one bloody clever chicky!!! xoxo

  23. jeez i thought that was a real twenty for a second D:
    haha i've seen those paper napkins before though - it looks fab :) x

  24. Wow what a crafty political statement you made here. I have some old teletubbie napkins that Ive been waiting to use hmmm...Might lose a few followers. p.s. I still laugh about your Katie Holmes/tom cruise poster comment. sooo funny.

  25. SO relieved to see you didn't use ACTUAL £20 notes!! x

  26. Excellent bangle! You are fantastic at this! Thanks so, so much for your message of support my dear, meant a lot xxxxx

  27. hey hun, you won a giveaway on my blog xx

  28. That is a great idea!! I bet everyone is like are those real £20 notes he he

    Come and enter my giveaway :)


  29. Hi my dear!! I had some of these tissues, next time they come in the house I now know what to make with them! Hope you're well and have a great weekend xxx

  30. You clever thing you! Will definitely have to give this a go one afternoon :)

  31. ha ha ... lots of my students have those napkins and like blowing their noses on them. Bless them.
    Cute bangle - love very much!

  32. I just bought some mod-podge the other day..I will have to give this a try. Such a creative idea :)

  33. What a fabuloso idea! Clever lady.

    i need to try and make one with morrissey napkins, that's if i find any.
    Yup, i agree someone around our village would totally steal your bangle. I to am relieved you made the bangle out of tissues and not real mula. You should sell your £20 bangles on ebay.

  34. Ooh I love it! I've never seen or heard of napkins masquerading as real money though - where have I been?


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