
Saturday 13 August 2011

300 followers - and a giveaway you can all enter!

Hi, just a quick post to remind you that there's just a week left before I pick the winner of my giveaway, and as I've now reached the very pleasing round number of 300 followers by GFC that means you're all eligible to enter - international readers too. And thank you all so much for reading, it really means a lot.

The prize is this gorgeous silver and hematite long necklace, with feather - worth £25 and made by Raimonda at Stall 21. As I can't enter my own giveaways I caved and bought one myself while she had her sale on - it came beautifully wrapped and I really love it. Mr FHCS borrowed it as part of his hippy ensemble for the wedding last week, but it also works with a more modern look.

Pictures don't really do it justice, hematite is known as the 'metal' gemstone, and the little beads have a highly polished look and are really tactile.

Anyway, if you already follow my blog by Google Friend Connect then you're halfway entered, the only other thing you need to do is like/follow Stall 21 on Facebook or Twitter and leave a comment saying you've done so. If you do both, then you get two entries. A third if you sign up for their newsletter. If you've done any of these you also get a bonus entry for tweeting the following: "I'm entered to win a gorgeous @stall21 necklace, via @FHCShopping". If you're not on Twitter, you can get the bonus entry by putting the competition on your sidebar or mentioning it on your blog.

Good luck!

Lakota x

Competition closes August 20th at 10pm. If no response from the winner after 7 days I will re-draw.


  1. Liked on Facebook as Bex Smith, following & tweeted at @OhNoItsBex, subscribed to the newsletter as Bex Smith and I follow on Google Friend Connect as Bex Smith.

    Great giveaway, the necklace is beautiful!

  2. Hi Lakota! I love the necklace - the feather look is soooo in for Fall too! I'm already following you on Google Friend Connect and I also "Like" Stall 21 on FB, so put me down twice. Thank you!!!

  3. I am a follower here and enjoy my visits. I just hopped over to "like" stall 21 on FB.
    I am a child of the "free love" era and there is hippie in my soul.

  4. amazing necklace!! following you already!! good luck everyone!!

  5. i have entered but want to wish goodluck to all!! especially moi hehe


  6. Much Congrats on a well deserved 300! x

  7. Congrats on the big 300! *pulls party popper* :o) Good luck to everyone in the giveaway. Scarlett x

  8. Cobgrats on 300 followers amor!
    pretty necklace, this stone is good for healing the body.

  9. That is very purdy as my g-ma would say. Or used to say...sad. Ok, I cant get in on this action cause I dont have a FB! But Im a follower, a die-hard, and u know this. Congrats.

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Thanks for your comment - it's no fun unless I know what you think!

If you ask a question others might want answering too I'll reply here in the comments - if it's personal, I'll reply directly by email if you're set up.