Monday 14 March 2016

3.14 - American Pi Day

Boy1 informed me last week that today would be 'American Pi day', and please could we have one for dinner. Being less geekily minded than my eleven year old son, I had a moment of horror thinking that he was referring to the film that brought use the phrase "there was this one time, at band camp...", and he had to explain to me the significance of 3.14, or as we British would say, the 14th of March.*

They got 'Boxing Day Pie', which is basically all the Christmas left-overs** - turkey, pigs in blankets, chestnut stuffing, random bits of chorizo from the back of the fridge  etc - in a white sauce. This tested my newly vegetarian resolve, but I made do with a Higgidy Pies spinach, feta and pinenut. It was very nice with some mash and veggie gravy. This moral stance is hard though!


Send me your favourite veggie/vegan recipe links please - keep me on the straight and narrow.
Oh, and I've been forced into joining instagram - I'm @Lakotaloves27, so feel free to find me and stop me having to gaze in fascinated horror at nudie pictures of Kim Kardashian.

Lakota x

*When he starts asking for a steak dinner and if his girlfriend can stay over on 14th March, then I guess is the time to be seriously worried. (For those not in the know, today is also apparently 'Steak and BJ day', or Valentines for men - one month on. Unhappily for Mr FHCS of course, no meat crosses my lips these days...)

**I should point out this filling had been made and frozen, and hadn't been festering in the fridge since December.


  1. I turned vegan in June and it's very challenging, so I know how hard it is. Especially when you're cooking meat for the family.
    My favourite thing to eat is a wrap filled with pepper, cucumber, celery, whatever you like and dollops of houmous, guacamole or salsa.
    And iron tablets for dessert. xx

  2. I did a vegan post last week (not sure if you saw it or not, so apologies if you did and saw it)! This is so cute! I had a pi day post planned but thought (duhhh!!) it was tomorrow so it will come tomorrow!x

  3. No vegan here - I had a yummy burger the other night and loved every greasy drop.

    I read that this is actually Rounded Pi Day - this year only! Since the number is 3.14159 etc., if you round that you get 3.1416. But as I'm writing this the day is already finished in Britain. Only a century to wait for the next one.

  4. No recipes but the Pieminster Heidi pie with Goat's Cheese , Roasted Pepper and Butternut Squash is,lush. Mt favourite from,their range - and I'm a meateater! x

  5. No recipes but the Pieminster Heidi pie with Goat's Cheese , Roasted Pepper and Butternut Squash is,lush. Mt favourite from,their range - and I'm a meateater! x

  6. I can't help on the veggie/vegan front, but that Boxing Day pie sounds delicious! I love a good pie.

  7. Gosh, so many recipes. I'm going to leave links for: curried lentil soup, vegetable lasagne, shakshuka and a pasta dish with fish if you eat that. Butternut squash risotto is lovely while I remember. So here we go:

  8. I'm a disgrace for someone living north (of London) as I don't like pies!
    I love getting loads of cheap veg off the market, Googling "recipes with (whatever veg I've got)" and adapting them to what else is in the cupboard. Dinner is always an adventure in this house! x

  9. For me, Pi Day was always a great excuse to eat pie in math class, but has gone relatively unobserved since then.
    By coincidence, I whipped up a quick quiche (egg pie here in the south) on Monday with, much like your Boxing Day pie, every leftover in the refrigerator. Certainly not vegan but delicious anyhow.
    Good on you for honoring Boy1's request! I had no idea that the Pi Day phenomenon was just an American thing.

  10. I have never heard of pie day but my that does look delicious! Having recently turned veggie myself in November, I do admire your resolve, a friend was eating a Gregg's sausage roll near me the other day and it was the biggest test of my will power so far, not to grab it and run off stuffing it in to my face.
    I am hopeless at cooking so have no recipes to offer but can say the frozen Quorn pies are actually quite nice when the stodge cravings call!

  11. Meat, veg or apple, I just love a pie. Slice or whole!!!

  12. Impress your son with the fact that British Pi Day is 22nd July (22/7). So you have another chance to celebrate!
    My favourite pie is Lemon Meringue Pie. Or apple pie with ice-cream if you want me to choose a covered pie. Although I prefer apple crumble and custard! I was addicted to custard during my first pregnancy.

  13. Gawd, I love a good meat and potato pie, although have to admit, I'd rather have a sausage roll or pastie.. Love your posts, Lakota, and your way with words. Sending a big ole hug. Em x

  14. Gawd, I love a good meat and potato pie, although have to admit, I'd rather have a sausage roll or pastie.. Love your posts, Lakota, and your way with words. Sending a big ole hug. Em x

  15. You made me snort tea! Hahahahahahha!! "For those not in the know, today is also apparently 'Steak and BJ day', or Valentines for men - one month on. Unhappily for Mr FHCS of course, no meat crosses my lips these days...)"

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